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Topics - changemyoil66

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HB2342 Effective Immediately
The governor signed into law HB2342 which
Allows the addition of a felony charge if a person carries or uses a firearm while committing a misdemeanor offense (not including HRS 134 or safe storage)
Removes the 4 year hunters education training requirement to obtain a long gun permit to acquire.  Basically hunters education no longer expires to obtain a long gun.
Removes the prohibition of carrying or transporting butterfly/switchblade knives, and other deadly or dangerous weapons (swords, brass knuckles, etc).  Open carry only, concealed carry is prohibited.  Electric guns and batons are excepted, can be carried concealed or open.

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General Discussion / Is Mike Glover screwed?
« on: May 13, 2024, 12:07:43 PM »
He was arrested for domestic violence.  His gf's statement in the police report sounds sketchy.  I mean, who locks the door when giving their child a bath?  But Mike messed up to by having a friend contact her during the no contact order. And did so by telling his friend this over the jail phone (all calls are recorded).

He already had to surrender all his guns and ammo for violating the no contact order.  But if found guilty of DV, then he could lose his 2A right.  I'm sure he will fight this to the end due to him losing his 2A right.  As in no plea deal.

It will be interesting to see how this will play out.  There are 2 sides to every story.  Except his violation of the no contact order.

He has been outspoke on the feds ever since his preppers group was designated a domestic terrorist org.  His vids also mention other sketchy things the feds do and stuff overseas.  I wonder if this was their way to silence him.  Kicking in his door would be very dangerous, so would pulling him over in his car.  So go thru the gf to slowly get him in a bad spot.
General Discussion / Byrna
« on: May 02, 2024, 08:38:42 AM »
HHN had a story about Byrna HI is the #1 sales in the world for the item.  They sold over 5,000 since they opened 2 years ago.

They have a wall of letters/emails/reviews that were sent to them on how it protected someone.  I may go by to read this.

It's shows how sad HI is on crime that we became the #1 seller of the item in the world.  Or maybe since our CCW process is so hard, other state residents choose to carry a real gun instead.  I know of 1 gun store who supports these madda fakkas who set up the CCW policies.
General Discussion / AG 2023 Firearm report
« on: April 30, 2024, 06:59:01 PM »

Most ccw holders are Fililino.

10% open/ccw are female

15 illegal guns consfiscated by HPD. Short barrel rilfes, short barrel shotguns.

1 SBR on maui.

1 unserialized rifle on oahu.

2.2% of permits to acquire are denied.

0 ccw apps denied on oahu.

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General Discussion / Comrade Mayor Rick is the reason for CCW delays
« on: April 16, 2024, 07:30:53 AM »
He said at a Townhall meeting in Wahiawa that he told Logan to be aggressive with approving CCW's.  He also states that "we're following the Bruen ruling".
Legal and Activism / C&C of Honolulu wants to sue gun manufactorers
« on: April 12, 2024, 09:42:05 AM »

Just like how the state pased a law, city trying to pass an ordinance.

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Legal and Activism / WA mag ban upheld in 88 minutes
« on: April 10, 2024, 11:47:24 AM »
A Washington (state) federal judge ruled their mag ban is unconstitutional.  It took 88 mins for the WA Supreme Court to say it is constitutional and void this judges ruling (issued a stay).

The WA judge wrote a 55 page ruling on the why and details and it took 88 mins for WASC to read that and read any supporting documents/case law.

This ruling wasn't made by any of the WASC judges, but instead a chamber clerk.  Theis clerk is allowed to make decisions without the judges.  This is typically used when convicts file frivolous lawsuits that are very poorly written, no lawyer, and cannot even put a comprehensible sentence together.  The reasoning this 1 person has this authority/power is to not clog up the justice system by wasting judges time.  So a HUGE issue like this, I guess was treated as the same.
General Discussion / Kauai Chief lost his gun for a 2nd time.
« on: April 02, 2024, 06:11:56 PM »
Found in the restroom stall again. Another officer found it.

What would happen if a ccw holder did this...

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Legal and Activism / FIRE MISSION HB2342 DUE BY 4/1/24 @ 10:05AM
« on: March 28, 2024, 04:26:25 PM »
The hearing is 24 hours later on 4/2/24 at 10:05am.

THIS IS A DECISION ONLY HEARING. So no Zoom or in person testimony excepted.  Only online testimony accepted.

This is about making misdemeanors a felony if you're CCWing.  And making butterfly/switch blades legal, but you cannot conceal carry them. So almost useless. They're only making them legal because they've been sued and trying to stiff the attorney by changing the law.

Log in

Click the orange "submit testimony" button
Events / Come support Augie 3/23
« on: March 22, 2024, 08:12:03 PM »
He voted against c&c's sensitive places bill.

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General Discussion / George Young Passes Away
« on: March 21, 2024, 10:45:46 AM »

From Atty Alan Beck

"Sgt. Major George K. Young Jr. (Retired U.S. Army Green Beret) passed on earlier this week.  He was my first client I represented on my own.  Prior to meeting me, he had filed two pro se lawsuit against Hawaii's concealed carry restrictions.  That means he was his own lawyer.  I corresponded with him while working on my first federal case.  Shortly, there after he told me he was going to file a third lawsuit.  After he was dismissed a third time, I agreed to represent him on appeal. Together we took the case to the U.S. Supreme Court, prevailed  and compelled the counties in Hawaii to adopt the Bruen ruling which made them begin to issue concealed carry permits for the first time in Hawaiian history.  My first Second Amendment case was supposed to be a one off and I had no intention of filing any subsequent cases until I met George.  He convinced me to keep filing cases and often helped me research colonial history which he was an expert in. He taught me a lot during the ten years I represented him.  Everything that we've accomplished in Hawaii is thanks to George.  He inspired the whole movement we are a part of.  He was a dear friend and he will be deeply missed."

We owe lots to Mr. Young as he and Alan fought and is still fighting for our freedom that HI loves to deny.
Political Discussion / Comrade Karl uses whataboutism
« on: March 19, 2024, 05:45:02 PM »
He tweeted about presidential immunity cause Trump claims it.

Something like "Since presidents have immunity, would Biden be immune if he had Trump assassinated?".

2 days later he was interviewed and blamed Trump.

I've read his prior tweets since 2016 and he has TDS. 
Legal and Activism / FIRE MISSION HB 2342 BEFORE 3/14 3:05PM
« on: March 12, 2024, 04:57:11 PM »
Hearing is 24 hours later on 3/15.

They're making butterfly knives and switch blades legal to only open carry. Conceal carrying them would be illegal.

The purpose of this is to screw the lawyer over for the lawsuit so he doesn't get paid by the state when he wins.  If the state changes the law, then the lawsuit gets thrown out.  And HI is trying their best to be in compliance with the 2nd amendment, but doing as much as possible to regulate it. Hence the ban on concealed carrying it.
Legal and Activism / FIRE MISSION SB2845 Due before 3/14/24 @ 2pm
« on: March 12, 2024, 02:56:42 PM »
Hearing is on 3/15 at 2pm.

Testimony is due 24hrs before the hearing.

They added in that ALL ID's must be checked regardless of assumed age if you sell or transfer ammo. Which means if you let someone try your gun at the range, you have to check their ID, even though they're a kapuna.

Use the link below and log in. Then click the orange tab "submit testimony"
And submitted all the required things in 2023.

Join HIFICO ASAP as a member so you can have the benefits of their lawsuit if they win.


Shame on you for not being a member to begin with. (Joking, but not joking).
Legal and Activism / FIRE MISSION SB3196 Senate Floor Vote on 3/5/24
« on: March 02, 2024, 12:06:25 PM »
Email and call your senator by 3/4 to vote no.

The "amendments" did almost nothing as parts are still banned.

Mags arent grandfathered in.

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Legal and Activism / Nelson vs Honolulu County
« on: March 02, 2024, 10:32:45 AM »
HIFICO lawsuit with attornies Kevin OGrady and Alan Beck.

About the delays for CCW's by HPD (Oahu only).

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General Discussion / USA for the assist
« on: February 29, 2024, 12:20:06 PM »
I'm part of a CCW FB group and 1 guy posted about his dad who lives in Israel just got issued a G19 for CCW. Holster options are very limited, so his son in the USA is sending him some things.  The father is asking CCW questions.  So even though Israel has been fighting for centuries and pretty much everyone is former IDF, CCWing in daily life for civilians is a new thing.  The USA has been doing it in free states for a while now.

He was going to send him some dry fire tools like Matis X, but I guess it's illegal to dry fire at home.  I mean, how would anyone know...
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