I carry the VP9 in Vegas and since it's only a week, it's fine. But for an EDC, I would want something smaller.
Looking at a G43X or Shield Plus due to the size and being able to carry 10rds.
I have a Smith and Wesson M&P9C that I would carry until I get to know what I want. I want to buy once cry once. The reason why I'm not a fan of the 9C is because without the extended mag, the pinky hangs off. Not too much of an issue, but reloading takes a bigger break in the grip. So when you eject the mag, now the pinky hanging is noticable. Plus with the mag blocked, it cannot hold 10rds, but only 9 because the 10th round doesn't allow the mag to fit into a closed slide. This is the case for all 5 factory 10rd mags that I got from S&W.
Not a fan of the SIG 365 as the angle I don't like and the mush trigger.
Why premature? Carry is allowed in HI under certain circumstances and enviroments.
If you are looking at one CCW for every day, everything and everywhere, why limit yourself to 10 rounds? I carry 36 rounds on person in the freedom states and moore in the vehicle or bag. If HI ever allows carry, you can get 10 rounds mag for your "normal size" firearm. Why go sub compact? If you carry often, you will learn really quick the benefits of a high quality holster and taking the time to adjust it to you. A proper belt, adjusting the angle and position in which you carry as weil as accessories like Tier ! Concealed Wedges will make a huge difference in comfort as well as help with printing. Cheap is never good, good is never cheap....
One week of carry once in awhile won't teach you much. You need to try different things for many many many hours.