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Political Discussion / Re: 40 more days
« Last post by rpoL98 on Today at 10:41:06 PM »

General Discussion / Re: UnitedHealthcare CEO assassinated
« Last post by rpoL98 on Today at 09:25:48 PM »
TMZ reporting his lawyers office is getting flooded by people who want to pay his legal fees.

This should be a wake up call to health insurance and hospitals that the people are fed up with the prices and lack of payments.

Why does a cat scan in japan cost $45USD, but in america its $8k on the low end? Xray in taiwan cost $60 and in america $300?

Why do meds cost so much?
could be because in Japan and Taiwan, the taxpayer is picking up the balance?  instead of the health insurance companies (who are still thieves)?

when the co-pay is low for everybody, you really have socialized (socialist?) health care, govt provided.  like Canada.  and then everybody gets the same level of service, but also, everybody gets it, the same.

I'm not for socialized healthcare, because then my taxes go up.   but i do agree that the health insurance scams could be reigned in a bit, maybe just a skosh?

I have a relative, used to live in japan until a short while ago, said yes, health care costs in Japan costs less, is available to all, but the waitlist is excessively long for the more involved (expensive) stuff, and the quality is not as good as is available in the US (depending on where you live).  Was glad to move back "state-side" to get better quality health care (major metro area), and yes, employers health plan provides good coverage.

so be careful what you wish for.  Hawaii probably has some of the best health care for us aging folks.  Everybody gets there sooner or later (gets old), unless you die first, then you don't get your money's worth.
General Discussion / Re: UnitedHealthcare CEO assassinated
« Last post by changemyoil66 on Today at 09:02:24 PM »
TMZ reporting his lawyers office is getting flooded by people who want to pay his legal fees.

This should be a wake up call to health insurance and hospitals that the people are fed up with the prices and lack of payments.

Why does a cat scan in japan cost $45USD, but in america its $8k on the low end? Xray in taiwan cost $60 and in america $300?

Why do meds cost so much?

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General Discussion / Re: Which FFL are you using? Fee?
« Last post by rpoL98 on Today at 08:49:41 PM »
I remember this case. The Duke students were demonized by the press constantly.
People lost jobs and opportunities were denied because one person lied and Nifong
conducted himself as a corrupt court official until he couldn't. Rush Limbaugh shined the
light of truth on this case while the media failed to do so. I am sure many of us miss Rush.

Being a graduate of East Carolina University which is figuratively next door to Duke, I was very interested in the case.  From 60 minutes to the nightly news, it was top of mind for months and months.  The fact it was a black stripper accusing 3 white students from a Lacrosse team made the story too juicy for the media to give it less than sensational treatment.

I was very happy when the charges were dropped.  I was more pissed that there were no consequences for the stripper, though I guess the politicians didn't want to be seen as retaliating against an alleged victim.  Without an admission that she lied, it was just going to keep a bad situation in the spotlight.

i guess she has no assets to go after, so suing her civilly does nothing for the actual victims.  Hopefully this becomes a teaching moment for the public not to convict people in the media no matter their race or gender.
General Discussion / Re: UnitedHealthcare CEO assassinated
« Last post by Flapp_Jackson on Today at 08:26:15 PM »
Cause you're on the run for murder. Order, take a piss and leave since you are a customer who bought something.

A sane person would think like you do.

Just sayin' ...    :geekdanc:
Political Discussion / Re: Chris Wray Resigns
« Last post by rpoL98 on Today at 07:28:22 PM »

i also think it was a lot more than 26, they said they knew that other Field Offices had undercover agents there, some agents were there on their on time unofficially, some undercover PD officers (Virginia, MD, Wash DC), and so they didn't know how many undercover LEO were there overall.  I think a lot higher than 26.  I'm thinking triple digits.  We'll never know.

Political Discussion / Re: aoc ignores problems in her own district...
« Last post by rpoL98 on Today at 07:23:09 PM »
You implied more than once the problems in her district are the responsibility of the local government and that AOC is not able to do anything at her federal level to solve them.

Now you say you didn't say there is nothing she can do after grilling us on "what do you suggest she do?"  And you're now qualifying "it's a local problem" with "primarily."

Then you reversed again saying Mazie can't do anything about China Town homelessness.

People in higher level positions of government absolutely have influence over the problems in their districts.  They have meetings with governors and mayors all the time to discuss problems and strategies including what THEY can do to help.

Stop moving the goal posts.  You're talking in circles.  They can help, or they can't help.  One or the other.
General Discussion / Re: UnitedHealthcare CEO assassinated
« Last post by rpoL98 on Today at 07:18:36 PM »
Why is she getting hate? Genuinely curious, and have not read coverage.

So can’t work at McD’s anymore. Good. I bet or hope she gets something better. As long as it’s not come grand, “The Shooter” level conspiracy.

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