Firearm pricing (Read 2993 times)

Maui Ammo Gun Supply

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Firearm pricing
« on: June 01, 2017, 01:41:23 AM »
At MAGS we are going to put together a new program for people who are ready to buy firearms if the price is right. If there is a specific shotgun, rifle, pistol, scope, etc that you are looking for feel free to email us at . We can give you pricing and availability. Each quote will have a valid thru date on it. This program was made to help people who know exactly what they want and just need to know pricing and if it is in stock. I know alot of people shop around to get the best pricing available and we have no problem being your ffl for the transfer. But at times its hard to see a customer who orders online and after shipping and ffl fees you end up paying more for the firearm and would of been cheaper with us. Hopefully this process can meet your shopping needs and benefit everyone. Thank you for your time and continued support through all of these years. Mahalo