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Political Discussion / Re: DOGE Thread
« Last post by macsak on Today at 11:46:05 AM »
It's great we can request rifle and pistol permits to be emailed to us versus having to go back to HPD for pickup. Kudos to those who made this happen!

-How long does it take to receive the notification email, from the earliest date in which you can pick up your permit? For example, if the earliest day you can pick up your permit in-person is Monday, February 24, when can you can expect to receive this email? I was advised that it may not occur on the first day your permit is legally available. It takes a few days due to staffing issues. I think it should be the same day your permit is legally available for pickup after the 14 day wait. What's been your experiences?

-Is the permit sent as an attached PDF to the notification email? Or, are you directed to a website that allows you to login and print the permit? From this site, can you download and save a PDF of your permit?

Thanks in advance.
Political Discussion / Re: DOGE Thread
« Last post by macsak on Today at 09:27:03 AM »
The judge who ordered that funding continue has a wife who's org is receiving said funding.  No conflict of interest here.

umm, that's exactly what astro said
Marc Fogel released from Russian prison. Unsure if we got trade raped like when we got the WNBA player for a huge arms dealer, who only went back to arms dealing shortly after.  But so far, nothing is said about what we gave up for Marc.

He's a teacher who was caught with weed and sentenced to 15 years. Instead of Brandon looking at him, he chose the WNBA player.  Cause you know BLM, DEI, lesbo, etc....


It was medical weed.
Your testimony is why they changed the wording to say this affects felons and not law abiding citizens.

So, sometimes they listen.
Political Discussion / Re: DOGE Thread
« Last post by changemyoil66 on Today at 08:31:59 AM »
No focus
Political Discussion / Re: DOGE Thread
« Last post by changemyoil66 on Today at 08:31:16 AM »
DOGE found that 2 trillion was being sent overseas for medicare/cade to people who shouldn't be receiving it.
How about walking around with the gun safety checked, no round in the chamber and your magazine in another pocket.

No, it has to be "taken apart" in some way.  You would also still need a CCW to carry any ammo as that places to keep still would apply.
So shouldn't apply to us?

Correct, but it can always be amended and Decorte said if it changes, she will change her vote to nay.
Political Discussion / Re: They ran out of fake news to report
« Last post by changemyoil66 on Today at 08:11:43 AM »
People complaining at the cost of Trump attending the Super Bowl.  I guess any POTUS is not allowed to attend any events, but must sit at his desk all day.
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