Pu'uloa Rifle and Pistol Club Rifle Match Saturday 9 Deceember at Koko Head (Read 4734 times)


The competition will use the current Civilian Marksmanship Program Games Rifle and Pistol Competition Rules. As-Issued Military Rifle (Garand, Springfield) Vintage Military Rifle, Carbine, Modern Military Rifle, Springfield M1A CMP Competition Rules 4.0 – 4.6.5. https://thecmp.org/wp-content/uploads/2023/01/CMPGamesRules.pdf Microsoft Word - 2023 CMPGamesRules_v4.docx (thecmp.org)

The Course of Fire will consist of the first stage 5 sighting shots and 10 record shots in the prone position in 15 minutes, second stage 10 record shots in prone from the standing start position in 80 seconds, and third stage 10 record shots in the standing position in 10 minutes. The first stage will be fired within the 20-minute block of hot time. The second and third stages will be fired during the next 20-minute block of hot time. A total of 35 rounds are required.

Target scoring will be done using the Silver Mountain Target System home (silvermountaintargets.com). Match commands will be done using the club owned public address system. Six NRA SR-1 targets will be modified to conform to the current rifle range requirements for a target center to be 5 feet from the ground level. Competitors will need a smart phone or tablet and will score for each other. 2nd relay will score 1st relay, then switch when their turn to shoot.

No food will be served or consumed on or near the firing line or ready area.

Registration time is 7:45 am on match day at the Koko Head Rifle Range. Only 24 slots are available for this match. Match fee of $5 for members and $10 for non-members. $5 late fee if registering after the match starts

The Point of Contact will be myself, Jerry T. Yuen, email jerry.t.yuen@gmail.com, cellphone 808-388-0206.


that was fun
Deeds Not Words


Scenes from the Pu`uloa Rifle and Pistol Club Match held at KHSC.
Dec. 9, 2023
Note the fancy electronic scoring system.

« Last Edit: December 14, 2023, 05:13:18 AM by oldfart »
What, Me Worry?


How often do they have these competitions? I’d love to compete with my Garand.

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How often do they have these competitions? I’d love to compete with my Garand.

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Once a year normally around the holiday season. If we have more interest perhaps we can do more. There was only 6 shooters this time.
Deeds Not Words