I meant grandfather for this new law. IDK about 1992.
The grandfather clause is a copy-and-paste of the old one for assault pistols, right? Isn't this the relevant language?
“~134-8 Ownership, etc., of automatic firearms, silencers,
15 etc., prohibited; penalties. (a) The manufacture, possession,
16 sale, barter, trade, gift, transfer, or acquisition of any of
17 the following is prohibited: assault pistols, except as
18 provided by section 134-4(e);
assault rifles, except as provided
19 by section 134—4(f); assault shotguns, except as provided by
20 section 134-4(f); .50 caliber rifles, except as provided by
21 section 134-4(f);So the "grandfather clause" is the "except as provided by section 134-4(f)" bit, right?
Existing language in section 134-4(e):(e) After July 1, 1992, no person shall bring or cause to
11 be brought into the State an assault pistol. No assault pistol
12 may be sold or transferred on or after July 1, 1992, to anyone
13 within the State other than to a dealer licensed under section
14 134—32 or the chief of police of any county except that any
15 person who obtains title by bequest or intestate succession to
16 an assault pistol registered within the State shall, within
17 ninety days, render the weapon permanently inoperable, sell or
18 transfer the weapon to a licensed dealer or the chief of police
19 of any county, or remove the weapon from the State.Proposed new language as section 134-4(f):20 (f) After July 8, 2024, except as provided by section
21 134-8 (e), no person shall bring or cause to be brought into the
State an assault rifle, assault shotgun, or .50 caliber rifle.
2 No assault rifle, assault shotgun, or .50 caliber rifle shall be
3 sold or transferred on or after July 8, 2024, to anyone within
4 the State, other than to a dealer licensed under section 134-32
5 or the chief of police of any county, except as provided by
6 section 134-8(e); provided that any person who obtains title by
7 bequest or intestate succession to an assault rifle, assault
8 shotgun, or .50 caliber rifle registered within the State shall,
9 within ninety days, render the weapon permanently inoperable,
10 sell or transfer the weapon to a licensed dealer or the chief of
11 police of any county, or remove the weapon from the State.”I didn't realize guys could still have uzi's or whatnot as long as they were registered before 1992. I wonder how many are still out there, I haven't seen one.