***FIRE MISSION*** HB 893 DUE BEFORE 2/5/25 AT 2PM. "ASSAULT RIFLE" BAN, MAG BAN (Read 638 times)


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Hearing is the next day 2/6 at 2pm. Testimony is due 24 hours prior to the hearing.


Nothing would be grandfathered in under this, would it?

Who would be allowed to have an "assault weapon" under HRS 134-3?


« Last Edit: February 04, 2025, 07:41:24 AM by macsak »


Nothing would be grandfathered in under this, would it?

Who would be allowed to have an "assault weapon" under HRS 134-3?

There is a grandfather clause. But if your gun leaves the state, you cannot bring it back. So no competition, gun smithing, hunting, etc...


There is a grandfather clause. But if your gun leaves the state, you cannot bring it back. So no competition, gun smithing, hunting, etc...

Oh I get it.
I didn't realize assault pistols were also grandfathered in back in 1992.
This copies that language but for 50 cals, "assault rifles" and "assault shotguns".


Oh I get it.
I didn't realize assault pistols were also grandfathered in back in 1992.
This copies that language but for 50 cals, "assault rifles" and "assault shotguns".

I meant grandfather for this new law. IDK about 1992.


We just submitted our testimony Against this bill.  These testimony notifications are sooo greatly appreciated.  We -- and I am sure along with so many others -- really depend on these notifications.  Just a friendly head's up ... these notifications may be more effective if they were provided earlier ... like for those of us who just don't get around to checking it as often as we should. Again, thank you so very much.


most times, the notifications are made as soon as they show up...

We just submitted our testimony Against this bill.  These testimony notifications are sooo greatly appreciated.  We -- and I am sure along with so many others -- really depend on these notifications.  Just a friendly head's up ... these notifications may be more effective if they were provided earlier ... like for those of us who just don't get around to checking it as often as we should. Again, thank you so very much.


We just submitted our testimony Against this bill.  These testimony notifications are sooo greatly appreciated.  We -- and I am sure along with so many others -- really depend on these notifications.  Just a friendly head's up ... these notifications may be more effective if they were provided earlier ... like for those of us who just don't get around to checking it as often as we should. Again, thank you so very much.

They must notify us at least 48 hours before the hearing. Sometimes they give longer than that, like for this bills hearing, they gave more than 48 hrs notice.  We try to post it ASAP, but we are people with stuff to do and sometimes hours can go by before we notice that a hearing is scheduled.  Those involved with posting notices often get emailed when hearings in the committees are taking place. But one has to first check their emails to view it.


I meant grandfather for this new law. IDK about 1992.

The grandfather clause is a copy-and-paste of the old one for assault pistols, right? Isn't this the relevant language?

“~134-8 Ownership, etc., of automatic firearms, silencers,
15 etc., prohibited; penalties. (a) The manufacture, possession,
16 sale, barter, trade, gift, transfer, or acquisition of any of
17 the following is prohibited: assault pistols, except as
18 provided by section 134-4(e); assault rifles, except as provided
19 by section 134—4(f); assault shotguns, except as provided by
20 section 134-4(f); .50 caliber rifles, except as provided by
21 section 134-4(f);

So the "grandfather clause" is the "except as provided by section 134-4(f)" bit, right?

Existing language in section 134-4(e):
(e) After July 1, 1992, no person shall bring or cause to
11 be brought into the State an assault pistol. No assault pistol
12 may be sold or transferred on or after July 1, 1992, to anyone
13 within the State other than to a dealer licensed under section
14 134—32 or the chief of police of any county except that any
15 person who obtains title by bequest or intestate succession to
16 an assault pistol registered within the State shall, within
17 ninety days, render the weapon permanently inoperable, sell or
18 transfer the weapon to a licensed dealer or the chief of police
19 of any county, or remove the weapon from the State.

Proposed new language as section 134-4(f):
20 (f) After July 8, 2024, except as provided by section
21 134-8 (e), no person shall bring or cause to be brought into the
State an assault rifle, assault shotgun, or .50 caliber rifle.
2 No assault rifle, assault shotgun, or .50 caliber rifle shall be
3 sold or transferred on or after July 8, 2024, to anyone within
4 the State, other than to a dealer licensed under section 134-32
5 or the chief of police of any county, except as provided by
6 section 134-8(e); provided that any person who obtains title by
7 bequest or intestate succession to an assault rifle, assault
8 shotgun, or .50 caliber rifle registered within the State shall,
9 within ninety days, render the weapon permanently inoperable,
10 sell or transfer the weapon to a licensed dealer or the chief of
11 police of any county, or remove the weapon from the State.”

I didn't realize guys could still have uzi's or whatnot as long as they were registered before 1992. I wonder how many are still out there, I haven't seen one.


I brought the spice on this one.

Soros lost a lot of federal funding recently. Globalists are on the run.

Fix bayonets! (Figuratively speaking of course.)
If you’re not a conspiracy theorist by now, you’re basically retarded.


Oppose testimonies 354 and all are originals.

Support testimonies 463.  Of which, 366 are copy and pasted. Only 97 original testimonies.


Oppose testimonies 354 and all are originals.

Support testimonies 463.  Of which, 366 are copy and pasted. Only 97 original testimonies.
thanks for doing the breakdown and analysis.   :shaka:


Oppose testimonies 354 and all are originals.

Support testimonies 463.  Of which, 366 are copy and pasted. Only 97 original testimonies.

FYI they don’t very if you are a real person.
All someone needs to submit testimony is a fake name and disposable email.
I’m curious how many of those gun grabbers actually exist.
If you’re not a conspiracy theorist by now, you’re basically retarded.


FYI they don’t very if you are a real person.
All someone needs to submit testimony is a fake name and disposable email.
I’m curious how many of those gun grabbers actually exist.
Try looking up the copy paste names and see if they come up...

Sent from my SM-G991U using Tapatalk


Oppose testimonies 354 and all are originals.

Support testimonies 463.  Of which, 366 are copy and pasted. Only 97 original testimonies.

I guess those ICE raids in Hawaii didn't work
Deeds Not Words


Interesting that only 1 "gun store", a FFL submitted testimony.  This would ban what they sell.

The store I give the most exception to is DCT as he's a plaintiff on lawsuits that fight for our 2a right.


Bill passed with amendments. Now it goes to the house floor vote.

Only Shimizu voted nay.  Garcia was absent who's usually a 2a supporter.