KHSC closed starting today 9-16-22 (Read 31646 times)


Re: KHSC closed starting today 9-16-22
« Reply #40 on: September 19, 2022, 11:26:25 AM »
Yup, took up fishing instead !

Just be careful, too many boating accidents have been known to happen.


Re: KHSC closed starting today 9-16-22
« Reply #41 on: September 19, 2022, 02:33:40 PM »
If anyone wants to know why, then I'll post it if requested.  We all have our own reasons.

I missed it in your post. What are we asking?

Edit: I re-read your post. If it's about the indoor gun ranges, lets not stray off topic.
« Last Edit: September 19, 2022, 09:00:10 PM by WTF?Shane »


Re: KHSC closed starting today 9-16-22
« Reply #42 on: September 19, 2022, 08:59:32 PM »
Edit: Wrong button.


Re: KHSC closed starting today 9-16-22
« Reply #43 on: September 21, 2022, 02:35:55 PM »
RSO's don't have to wear masks.  However they have to practice good hygene.  My suggestions for the range would be:

1.  No eating on the range.
2.  Install handwashing stations at each range.
3.  Clean clutter from all work areas.
4.  Wipe down all surfaces periodically
5.  Vacuum/sweep floors
6.  Use PPE when cleaning.
7.  Change clothing at the end of day.
8.  Use lead testing strips on surfaces.
9.  Periodic blood testing.


Re: KHSC closed starting today 9-16-22
« Reply #44 on: September 21, 2022, 02:39:10 PM »
This is a good series about lead poisoning at ranges and what it does to the body.


Re: KHSC closed starting today 9-16-22
« Reply #45 on: September 21, 2022, 02:43:45 PM »
One thing that doesn't help is the prevailing winds. . . blowing all that particulate toward the firing line

Can't really help that for those spending a lot of time there. 


Re: KHSC closed starting today 9-16-22
« Reply #46 on: September 21, 2022, 03:28:01 PM »
This is a good series about lead poisoning at ranges and what it does to the body.

Yep. According to that article shut them all down. The City might as well raze the range down instead of "ricochet mitigation" and turn it into a parking lot for Hanauma Bay - a revenue generating park.
After the public range is down, target indoor ranges for an OSHA inspection. And voila, less demand for guns on an island. Less demand for pesky CCW etc. etc.
Strange that there is a "staffing issue" when a private organization is running 1/3 of the range and just by a casual glance there are more RSOs on that side of the range at times.
« Last Edit: September 21, 2022, 03:34:29 PM by ren »
Deeds Not Words


Re: KHSC closed starting today 9-16-22
« Reply #47 on: September 21, 2022, 04:42:41 PM »
This is a good series about lead poisoning at ranges and what it does to the body.
Pardon my ignorance  :oops: but how does lead residue come out of the barrel from a FMJ ?  :wacko:
Maybe FMJ requirement ?
“I ask you to judge me by the enemies I have made.”
                                                           Franklin D. Roosevelt

powder monkey


Re: KHSC closed starting today 9-16-22
« Reply #49 on: September 26, 2022, 09:58:39 AM »
Now closed until mid November.  It was supposed to only be closed for October.


Re: KHSC closed starting today 9-16-22
« Reply #50 on: September 26, 2022, 10:05:13 AM »
Now closed until mid November.  It was supposed to only be closed for October.

Any word on work being done? Just curious.  Remediation?  Or range grading?  Berm maintenance, etc.  I think last time they placed a lot of sand in the ruts formed in the 50-80ish yard zone. 

I know remediation can take a while, especially if they didn't do sampling and testing prior to work being started.  They should've done the sampling very soon after the range was closed. 


Re: KHSC closed starting today 9-16-22
« Reply #51 on: September 26, 2022, 10:05:59 AM »
Pardon my ignorance  :oops: but how does lead residue come out of the barrel from a FMJ ?  :wacko:
Maybe FMJ requirement ?

Some fmj bases are exposed lead, lead residue in barrel being blown out, primers contain lead.  It's just extremely small amounts, but if you're on range all day every day, it builds up.

FMJ would help, but I don't think it's necessary with my proposed suggestions.


Re: KHSC closed starting today 9-16-22
« Reply #52 on: September 26, 2022, 10:14:32 AM »

Any word on work being done? Just curious.  Remediation?  Or range grading?  Berm maintenance, etc.  I think last time they placed a lot of sand in the ruts formed in the 50-80ish yard zone. 

I know remediation can take a while, especially if they didn't do sampling and testing prior to work being started.  They should've done the sampling very soon after the range was closed.

IDK, I just saw a FB post by HRA about the extended date.


Re: KHSC closed starting today 9-16-22
« Reply #53 on: September 26, 2022, 10:16:43 AM »
be prepared to show support for the range...
Deeds Not Words


Re: KHSC closed starting today 9-16-22
« Reply #54 on: September 26, 2022, 10:29:49 AM »
All of these events happening at KHSC got me doing some searches on the internet about lead poisoning and open air ranges.  Nothing too drastic for open air ranges: change of clothing, washing clothing separate from others, wash hands with cold water, even some respiratory masks and periodic blood testing.

Makes me wonder if C&C ever implemented a safety program at KHSC to address the problem.  KHSC has been around a long time, longer than in the late 70's when I first started utilizing the ranges there.

After a while, family, work, and life kicked in and I visited less and less until it was nada.  But I believe I would have known if any lead problems and new safety protocols were introduced because we have what is  I never heard of any lead safety protocols over the years at KHSC and I could very well be wrong.  Someone please correct me if I am wrong.  Does the C&C have an ongoing lead safety program that was in place all this time?

And this is why I ask the question:  If not how come only now?

Sometimes you gotta know when to save your bullets.


Re: KHSC closed starting today 9-16-22
« Reply #55 on: September 26, 2022, 10:46:25 AM »
if they can have a private organization run one part of the range why can't they have other orgs run the other parts? At the archery range there are no City employees. No cold times. No one has been shot by an arrow.
Deeds Not Words


Re: KHSC closed starting today 9-16-22
« Reply #56 on: September 26, 2022, 11:04:44 AM »
All of these events happening at KHSC got me doing some searches on the internet about lead poisoning and open air ranges.  Nothing too drastic for open air ranges: change of clothing, washing clothing separate from others, wash hands with cold water, even some respiratory masks and periodic blood testing.

Makes me wonder if C&C ever implemented a safety program at KHSC to address the problem.  KHSC has been around a long time, longer than in the late 70's when I first started utilizing the ranges there.

After a while, family, work, and life kicked in and I visited less and less until it was nada.  But I believe I would have known if any lead problems and new safety protocols were introduced because we have what is  I never heard of any lead safety protocols over the years at KHSC and I could very well be wrong.  Someone please correct me if I am wrong.  Does the C&C have an ongoing lead safety program that was in place all this time?

And this is why I ask the question:  If not how come only now?

I have never been to a mainland outdoor range, but like I posted earlier, I've seen the RO's eating multiple times.


Re: KHSC closed starting today 9-16-22
« Reply #57 on: September 26, 2022, 11:18:10 AM »
I have never been to a mainland outdoor range, but like I posted earlier, I've seen the RO's eating multiple times.
Been to a bunch, mostly private/semi-private.  Many are the "check in when you arrive" and pay fee, range safety info, get target stands, etc.  The ones I've shot on are mostly "check with others on the line", then when ready, clear line and go down range.  Haven't seen folks get yelled at for not following, but I am sure it happens.  I am guessing/assuming that those types of ranges are largely self regulating.  Just like the archery range. 


Re: KHSC closed starting today 9-16-22
« Reply #58 on: September 26, 2022, 11:22:33 AM »
Now closed until mid November.  It was supposed to only be closed for October.
Knudsen working the phones feverishly to make it permanent.
Count on it.


Re: KHSC closed starting today 9-16-22
« Reply #59 on: September 26, 2022, 11:45:56 AM »
Two weeks to stop the spread
If you’re not a conspiracy theorist by now, you’re basically retarded.