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Messages - eyeeatingfish

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General Discussion / Re: CCW Insurance
« on: January 14, 2025, 12:10:43 PM »
I have umbrella for my main residence, investment properties, and car.  At least mine doesn't cover firearms for loss and liability.  Not sure of all umbrellas, but my friend (and insurance agent) indicated that most are quite focused.  I looked into insuring my firearms against loss (fire and/or theft) a while back and couldn't find anything, but don't recall if it was not availble or not worth the $$$. 

Aside, my buddy also advised separate insurance for valuables.  For him, stuff like Rolex and other watches, jewelry, etc.  Where most insurance coverage is usually quite limited.

State farm had a small amount of coverage for firearms loss but the limit was $1,000 I think. I paid a little extra to raise the limit on my firearms.

Next time I call State Farm to pay my bill I will have to ask specifics about the umbrella coverage. I know they said it won't cover me for something I do at work but it covers other things including on top of my car insurance. Definitely have to ask about the limitations like whether it will cover a criminal case or just a civil case and then what it covers like CMO said, the damages if I lose or just the attorney fees.
Political Discussion / Re: Future conflict with Panama under Trump?
« on: January 14, 2025, 12:02:52 PM »
You should look into what would happen if the canal were to not allow any ships to and from the US.  Then look at who is really controlling it.  Or have you already done that?

I googled when Panama joint NATO and no info can be found.  So, Panama is not part of NATO like how you think they are.  We have invaded them before and the use of the canal was 1 reason amongst others for the invasion.

At this moment, IDK how their leadership is, like does a drug lord run Panama like how he did in 1989 and we invaded?  This is 1 reason why I cannot answer your question. But you are missing the bigger picture like usual as to why Trump said he wouldn't or would invade (option is on the table).

"....who is really controlling"
Nope, not going to do the homework of proving your conspiracy theory.

But, for the sake of argument, lets say someone like China was controlling the Panama Canal with the permission of Panama. So what? Does that somehow justify a military invasion of a sovereign nation because they decided to give China some control over their Canal? Are we justified in killing them if they tell us to pound sand and sail around Cape Horn? Panama isn't obligated to let us use their canal at this point. Attacking a country because they attacked us/an ally or because there is a genocide is one thing, attacking them because they don't want to share their natural resource? Not a good justification.

I didn't say Panama was part of NATO genius, Greenland is under Denmark which is a NATO country.
You are responding to my post with an argument but asking me why I am arguing?  Asking why you think he's a dirtbag isn't arguing.  You keep imagining things that aren't there.

SWOOOOSSHHH to everything else you posted in the other 2 paragraphs.I assume you also haven't read the bills he killed.  Maybe you will get lucky again like when you posted HI law about sharing pics, instead of the federal one.

What if you don't respond anymore to this thread?. This is rhetorical as I know you cannot help yourself. So I'll wait and your reply will prob get either swoooshed or be wrong like usual.

I said why I thought he was a dirtbag and you argued with me. #projecting

Feel free to go read the bill he killed and tell me why he was correct in killing it. Feel free to go show me the good reason for voting against the bill despite large bipartisan support for it. Before you do though I will point out to you that he never provided any reason for killing the bill or voting against it the next year. If there was a good reason to vote against it you would think he would justify his decision...

Now you're copying me.  How original.  Hahahahahhaha. We all know that you're on a break from replying, capt obvious.

You are under the false impression that me taking a break somehow means you actually won the debate. That would explain why you are so upset over me "reviving a dead thread"
Political Discussion / Re: What are you folks grumbling about?
« on: January 14, 2025, 11:47:55 AM »
Flood is typically a national program (fed).  But there are some who operate outside of this program.  But they too have a 30 day clause. So you can buy flood insruance if a flood is coming, but you gotta wait 30 days for it to take effect. But there is an exclusion to this, if a mortgagee is requiring it. As in you're buying a home and need to close on it, but have to get the proof of coverage 1st.  Also, the national one, there is no refunds. So even if you foresee a flood event happening say on 31 days later and it doesn't happen, you cannot cancel and get a refund.

I remember reading that the reason the flood protection is often a national program is because the private insurance companies were refusing to sell it to customers in high risk areas so the feds took over. Problem is now all the houses that get flooded in the high risk areas end up costing the government (aka taxpayers) a lot of money because the government doesn't set the premiums high enough to cover the actual cost when a disaster strikes.
Define covered.

The charges state:

To my knowledge, Trump was never brought up on charges and allowed his day in court to fight the alleged NY election law allegations. 

If offering someone consideration -- money, job, publicity -- in exchange for covering up or publicizing information that can affect an election, then every presidential politician is guilty but only Trump was charged.  Remember how Bill Clinton had someone in charge of "Bimbo Eruptions"?  They had a person specifically handling accusers who came out of the woodwork to keep a lid on their stories.  The ones who didn't want to comply were shredded in the news to destroy their lives and protect Clinton.  look up Paula Jones.

So, while they painted a picture of some illegal scheme that was bootstrapped into 34 felonies, there's never been an actual verdict saying the underlying crime ever occurred or was proven.

I believe AOC was found to have violated campaign finance limits and rules, too.  Where are her fenoy charges?  She's a New Yorker, so Bragg ought to be all over that criminal.

Her crime was closer to money laundering to hide campaign finances.

Ocasio-Cortez, chief of staff illegally moved $885G
in campaign contributions 'off the books,' FEC complaint alleges

I am not saying you are wrong here, I am trying to understand what you meant by saying "should have been made just as public as the 34 felonies". It sounded like you are saying something was kept secret. I don't know what you are saying did not get brought forward about the federal campaign finance law part. 

As for AOC and other people who commit campaign finance violations, IIRC people are almost never convicted for violating those laws, just fined because the rules are so complex that they are violated all the time, intentionally or unintentionally.

As for your statement that the sentence proves he did nothing wrong, that is not what it means. The ruling is a practical one, made so as not to disrupt the function of the presidency. Can you imagine trying to have the president on probation?
Political Discussion / Re: immadoctor prioritized CA over HI
« on: January 14, 2025, 11:04:44 AM »
What an idiot. Just the cost of getting them here would be a month(s) of rent as places driving distance from the fires.
General Discussion / Re: CCW Insurance
« on: January 14, 2025, 10:46:11 AM »
What CCW insurance do you use and why?

Currently using Armed Citizens Legal Defense Network (ACLDN) which is actually not insurance.  It's like a group defense fund when self-defense is used regardless of type of weapon.  I got it because of the price and Massad Ayoob, Tom Givens, Karl Rehn, and other self-defense experts are part of it.  It costs about $100 per year and covers the usual bail bond, criminal and civil defense.  It also has a newsletter and self-defense educational lessons.

I used USCCA in the past but it is expensive starting at $300 a year.  The lessons are more polished and easier to understand for beginners and their unrelated firearms training programs are a bit better than the NRA.  But I already take a lot of classes on self-defense law and tactics so just needed the insurance.

Old thread that covers some insurance:

Did you ever look into a standard umbrella policy? I know a $1 million is a common umbrella coverage amount, that would seem to be enough to pay lawyers and it would cover other things you might encounter, not just a weapon use.
Political Discussion / Re: H1B Visas, Yay or Nay?
« on: January 10, 2025, 09:45:23 PM »
Is that your position/understanding?  Or what you gleaned from the "spat"?

The spat was useless, but entertaining with Musk dropping the F bomb in a tweet.
I tend to look for more in-depth, less passionate, discussion of the issue.

H1B/H2B are nonimmigrant visa that are intended to allow foreign nationals to work in the US (and Territories) for a temporary period.  While they MAY be used for immigrants, they are not 'visas for immigrants'. 


It's been a while, but I have a lot of experience with both H1B and H2B (mostly with H2B) for supplementing construction work force in US territories.  How those programs work is a separate issue, but the issue itself is often twisted and used as political leverage for other things.  I've seen that first hand for my former projects in Guam.  My point is that there's often a LOT of things going on behind the scenes, closed doors, etc and often not reported in the news.  Many times I found out the "truth" when having attorneys for the Gov't and contractors looking into the actual verbiage of "local laws", the actual provisions, etc. 

H2B has also come up recently in my current project(s), which are more domestic and that adds many more layers to this issue.  Including unions, availability, etc on top of politics.

What is YOUR position?

I support H1B visas as a concept, I think it is a necessary tool in some situations. The hypothetical example I use to explain why it is necessary is to imagine that we were short on doctors leading to people not being able to get medical care. We wouldn't stand by letting Americans die while we wait 6 years to train a bunch of new ones.

The abuses though cannot be denied. If companies can find ways of hiring H1B visa workers a lot cheaper than American workers then they will. Without knowing the intricacies of how H1B visas work I can only suspect that there are a number of fixes that need to be made to the H1B program but I would not eliminate the program altogether. I heard one suggestion that wages should be tied to American wages so that hiring a H1B worker would not be so much cheaper and that makes some sense.

I think the Trump DOJ needs to press the NY prosecutor on the details of that underlying felony. That should have been made just as public as the 34 felonies it spawned, so we can see exactly how they were able to bootstrap this case.

Seems like this is similar to the "fruit of the poison apple" metaphor that describes evidence seized in illegal searches.

What are you getting at there? Is there something that wasn't covered in the trial?
And according to 1 person (EEF), I should use this conviction of 34 counts to factor in if I want Trump as a POTUS or not.  Cause you know, there's no such thing as targeting people for political reasons.

InB4 Lawfare isn't a legal term.

You are either lying or just completely failed to understand my point. Good job.
Every single state saw a shift to the right as more people voted Republican than in 2020.  If all 50 states are trending toward the GOP, I think that speaks louder for a Trump mandate than any arbitrary percentage in a non-existent national popular vote.

Republicans have won a larger share of votes in every state in 2024 compared to 2020, with 95 percent of votes counted nationwide.  That is important because it includes races other than the Presidential.

That's a mandate, baby!!

I wouldn't equate a movement to the right across the nation to support for Trump though. Just because voters across the country are rejecting failed democrat policies doesn't mean they are on board with Trump. Sure, you could make the case it is a mandate for conservativism or a mandate away from far left politics but that is not the same thing as a mandate for Trump.

Political Discussion / Re: Future conflict with Panama under Trump?
« on: January 10, 2025, 10:47:47 AM »
OMG, now you double admitted it. I think you now get a swoooosshh to the 3rd power.

IDK if I would support or not support him. It all depends what is happening at the time.  Nor have I took much time to look into the issue as of now. Lets use WMB as an example, the people were lied to and an entire war was started with bad intel. Many lives on both sides lost. BTW, same guy who said Iraq had WMD's that are worth of a war we went into also was a major part in the Russia collusion hoax.

InB4 you say "CMO is a blind trump supporter" since you stated twice that "if it X were to happen to Brandon, you would be making lots of statements about it", which I did post about his sniffing and student loan promise as an example to show you're wrong again.

All depends what is happening at the time? That is a bit of a copout. Of course circumstances could change, if Panama invaded Florida I would have no problem with us attacking them and taking the canal. The point of the question is as things are now. We have a president who has prided himself on not starting wars now saying he would consider using the military to take the Panama Canal and Greenland (aka war).

If Trump said he would like to purchase the Panama Canal or Greenland I am hesitant to spending that much taxpayer money but I would be open to considering arguments for why it is worth it. But Trump using "national security interests" as a justification to use military force on two non-hostile nations to take territory, and likely human lives, is something I could never get behind. Trump would risk starting a huge war invading a Nato country. I don't know how anyone who calls themselves a patriot or a conservative could support Trump's use of the military to achieve these goals.
Political Discussion / Re: What are you folks grumbling about?
« on: January 10, 2025, 10:36:45 AM »
Originally, SF was going to leave CA totally. But got some bad PR about it, so they stayed, but excluded fire as a cause of loss.  They cannot do this mid term to anyone. But upon renewal, the clause would be added  in. I wanna say they began this like 6+ months ago.

Same here, changes to policy language cannot be made midterm, but upon renewal.  And if SF left CA, then they would just non-renew policies as they came up and not cancel all of a sudden. Like "tomorrow your cancelled for cause".  But what they could also do is issue a 30 day notice of cancellation (IDK if CA law allows this).

Companies in general can issue moratoriums and not write new policies or make any changes for X event, like a hurricane is approaching HI.  The carriers aren't dump and know people will buy coverage cause a known risk of loss increases. Make the 1st installment, then cancel.

I know this has been an issue with flood insurance for quite some time due to the high risk and cost of houses along the ocean. I guess it is coming up for fires as well now.

If insurance companies decide not to cover a specific area due to very high risks then that is their right I suppose, I just hope they aren't screwing their customers.

We all know what you said.  And read what I said. Simple, but here you are continuing to argue about it.  Thats also a low bar you have and the DNC's plan works on people like you. Just accuse someone with lack of credible evidence and you won't want them for X job.  "I point you to the congressional investigation", which lead to no charge or arrest.

You are responding to my post with an argument but asking me why I am arguing?  :crazy: I said he was a dirtbag, you asked me why and I responded. Do you want me to answer your question or not?

"lead to no charge or arrest" is an irrelevant argument since it neither means what you think it means nor does it have any bearing on whether we can judge Gaetz is a good pick. Trump was found guilty of 34 felonies so does that mean you will say he shouldn't be president now or are you just using the "not charged or convicted" as a matter of convenience? People can commit terrible crimes and not be charged or convicted but that doesn't mean they are suddenly good people who have never done anything wrong. You also suggested "lack of credible evidence" but I would not agree with that opinion.

Interestingly I just came across an old news article covering the fact that in 2015 Gaetz opposed a Florida law making revenge porn illegal and he had killed the same bill the year before when he was chair of the committee... Coincidence? When it is one allegation or behavior I can give someone the benefit of the doubt but when you start to see a pattern then I think the allegations have more credibility.
I should have been more clear and I hope you didn't take my post as I was talking about you.  I was talking about EEF as he often revives dead threads just so he can feel like he gets the last word in.


I go on a break, I come back to rebut your reply, and you whine about reviving a dead thread, while simultaneously not letting it die.

You are free of course to not reply...  :popcorn:
Really?  You'd let someone like Garland who was held in contempt of Congress for not handing over the recordings taken of the Biden interviews babysit?  Do you honestly think he's the best person for the top cop position?

Biden was investigated for storing and passing classified information illegally, but the final report said they chose not to file charged because of Biden's poor memory and advanced age -- basically not competent enough to know what he did was wrong.

Funny how Trump was the target of an FBI raid, but Biden was allowed to trickle the classified documents to the investigators as they located them in several locations.

Sorry, but if Garland got confirmed after his past of covering for a fellow judge in an ethics scandal and targeting Biden's political rivals, I see no reason Gaetz can't be confirmed.  The part of Gaetz's resume that's most important is not that he was investigated and never charged.  It's that he hasn't behaved as a swamp critter.

Maybe you can find Pam Bondi suitable to sit your kids?  Any problem with her?  Maybe start a new thread for her and let this one die since it's a non-issue now?

I would say some of your criticisms of Gardland are fair and some are not however even if we agree that Gardland was not a good AG, that doesn't make Gaetz a good one.

What makes Gaetz a good pick for AG? He is politically loud and stirs stuff up but that isn't much of a qualification for the job. How much experience does he have in law enforcement, as a criminal attorney, or as a judge? (very little IIRC).

You painted this as an issue whether we want a messy attack dog or a safe but quite guard dog which creates a false dichotomy. It is not the case that Gaetz was the only choice so Trump had to settle for his moral imperfections. There are going to be hundreds of other qualified individuals capable of doing that job without the skeletons Gaetz had. They just wont be loud and proud Trump supporters.
So besides this non-crime you think he committed since you did post the federal law after a 2nd try at it, why is he a dirtbag ad shouldn't be in power?

I didn't say I think he committed, I pointed out that he may have broken the law based on the allegations. Why do I think he is a dirtbag who shouldn't be in power? I point you towards the results of the congressional investigation. When it is one allegation or behavior I can give someone the benefit of the doubt but when you start to see a pattern then I think the allegations have more credibility.

Interestingly I just came across an old news article covering the fact that in 2015 Gaetz opposed a Florida law making revenge porn illegal and he had killed the same bill the year before when he was chair of the committee... Coincidence?

Political Discussion / Re: What are you folks grumbling about?
« on: January 10, 2025, 10:05:56 AM »
Insurance companies are in the business to make money. They did a risk assessment and since this happens often in CA, they acted. Those affected should be mad at CA for not mitigating the risk before the carriers decided to leave or non-renew.

Imagine being State Farm and say of the 10,00 homes, they had 1,000 policies.  The average cost of a home there is $3 million.  So that's $300,000,000 they would have to pay. Either they go bankrupt or their reinsurance does. IDK if SF has reinsurance or not since they're a huge company.  Now everyone else in the state gets cancelled or even nationwide due to them going under. So 1,000 homes vs much more nationwide.

What I am wondering is if the insurance companies all stuck provisions in the contracts that allow them to drop a specific type coverage at any time they see fit or if they are trying to wiggle out of it hoping its cheaper to fight the suits than pay out. Or did they just drop the fire coverage for customers whose policies were about to renew? Makes me want to call my insurance to see if they can do this to me when the next hurricane comes our way.
Political Discussion / H1B Visas, Yay or Nay?
« on: January 10, 2025, 10:00:24 AM »
Been watching the spat going on among some big name Trump supporters over the H1B visa program. For context H1B visas are for immigrants to come in to fill jobs in specialized job roles. Musk and Ramaswamy are strong supporters while others on the right, including Laura Loomer and Steve Bannon are critics. 
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