Trump on childcare Huh? (Read 231 times)


Trump on childcare Huh?
« on: September 30, 2024, 09:21:01 PM »
Good to have a specific plan to solve a specific problem


Re: Trump on childcare Huh?
« Reply #1 on: September 30, 2024, 09:40:36 PM »
maybe he should have said that he was raised in a middle class family, unburdened by what has been...

Good to have a specific plan to solve a specific problem


Re: Trump on childcare Huh?
« Reply #2 on: October 01, 2024, 05:30:39 AM »
Good to have a specific plan to solve a specific problem

I'm one of the original "Latchkey"
kids.  I used to have the house key safety pinned
to my shift everyday. I grew up in day care.
When I got the chance at age 8 to live with my dad and
have a full time stay at home mom I flew at it.
It cost my dad a fortune to keep me.
YOU guys gave all parental rights to a bunch of immature women who were
pissed off at and divorced their husbands, without any regard to their kids.
I managed to escape that tiresome BS of mom is always right.
Kids need a mom and a dad - period!
To her dying day Mom always thought of herself and assumed her kids were her property.
Fu$k you people that support mothers rights over fathers rights.
But you Democrats can't help it because you are stupid. women.


Re: Trump on childcare Huh?
« Reply #3 on: October 01, 2024, 07:34:08 AM »
Good to have a specific plan to solve a specific problem

I like what he said.  Trickle down effect.  Putting more money into family households and hopefully they will be able to afford childcare along with rent, mortgage, utility bills, and groceries and all the other stuff that families are struggling with now.

Right now, not only childcare is expensive.  Everything is.  Robbing Peter to pay Paul is only a band-aid effect.  Go to the root of the problem.
Sometimes you gotta know when to save your bullets.


Re: Trump on childcare Huh?
« Reply #4 on: October 01, 2024, 08:56:55 AM »
Looking for a government fix for all your problems?? I was told I needed to help my grandmother, she was old and needed my help while mum and dad worked. That was my childcare---family


Re: Trump on childcare Huh?
« Reply #5 on: October 01, 2024, 09:37:30 AM »
Didn't watch OP's vid, but xe's most likely wrong again.


Re: Trump on childcare Huh?
« Reply #6 on: October 01, 2024, 10:07:00 AM »
Looking for a government fix for all your problems?? I was told I needed to help my grandmother, she was old and needed my help while mum and dad worked. That was my childcare---family

People have been conditioned to look to the government for all of their problems.  It's the feed the hungry man fish instead of teaching him how to fish for his food.

That's the problem nowadays.  Big government and people too lazy to fend for themselves.   

Let the middle class keep as much of their earnings as possible so they can take care of their family and their needs.  This is what made America great and prosperous.

Sometimes you gotta know when to save your bullets.


Re: Trump on childcare Huh?
« Reply #7 on: October 01, 2024, 11:19:10 AM »
I like what he said.  Trickle down effect.  Putting more money into family households and hopefully they will be able to afford childcare along with rent, mortgage, utility bills, and groceries and all the other stuff that families are struggling with now.

Right now, not only childcare is expensive.  Everything is.  Robbing Peter to pay Paul is only a band-aid effect.  Go to the root of the problem.

Child care here like a preschool starts around $1K a month on average. Vegas is about half that.  Some here charge extra if they need to change diapers or what time u want to pick them up, like 2pm is cheaper than 4pm.  How many 20-30 year olds can afford to pay this cost, plus rent, car payments, gas, insurance, etc...

You're lucky if you got retired grandparents who can watch your kid.

What we should start with is helping military members with kids. Have a MOS that helps a spouse or parent when the military member is either deployed or away for trainging.  This MOS would assist with food prep, dishes, laundry, child care, etc...Of course it would be a majority female MOS as no deployed male spouse would want another male inside their home for X hours every day.  New parents would get the 1st priority as a newborn takes much more effort than a 12 year old who can eat for themselves, bathe them selves, etc...

I'd rather see more money put into households than free childcare for all.  We see how welfare works so great (sarcasm).  I used to work at a supermarket and saw the EBT, welfare, food stamp people come in with 5 kids very often.


Re: Trump on childcare Huh?
« Reply #8 on: October 01, 2024, 02:55:16 PM »
I'm one of the original "Latchkey"
kids.  I used to have the house key safety pinned
to my shift everyday. I grew up in day care.
When I got the chance at age 8 to live with my dad and
have a full time stay at home mom I flew at it.
It cost my dad a fortune to keep me.
YOU guys gave all parental rights to a bunch of immature women who were
pissed off at and divorced their husbands, without any regard to their kids.
I managed to escape that tiresome BS of mom is always right.
Kids need a mom and a dad - period!
To her dying day Mom always thought of herself and assumed her kids were her property.
Fu$k you people that support mothers rights over fathers rights.
But you Democrats can't help it because you are stupid. women.

Hmmm... mommy issues?


Re: Trump on childcare Huh?
« Reply #9 on: October 01, 2024, 02:57:12 PM »
The video is unintelligible. It consists of the random utterances of a bumbling idiot.


Re: Trump on childcare Huh?
« Reply #10 on: October 01, 2024, 03:25:33 PM »
The video is unintelligible. It consists of the random utterances of a bumbling idiot.

Yet you post it. When people post a video, it's to prove or highlight what their topic is about.

Seems like someone else is unintellgible for posting a random utterances vid.


Re: Trump on childcare Huh?
« Reply #11 on: October 01, 2024, 04:15:01 PM »
The video is unintelligible. It consists of the random utterances of a bumbling idiot.

No.  I understood what he is saying.  Childcare expenses, along with the other extreme expenses people are struggling with fall under a failing economy.  Fix the root problem and most likely these problems will fix themselves.

That's what he is saying.  Will it work?  I'm willing to give it a chance.
Sometimes you gotta know when to save your bullets.