"Black Preppers" have had ENOUGH of Biden's America and they getting ready (Read 379 times)



I've been a "prepper" for over 40 years.
I'm a Polish Jew, French,  and English melange.

Prepping is not a racial thing, it is a recognition that shit happens
and YOU are responsible for you and your family.
Not some government run by idiots.
You are responsible!
Blacks had been conditioned for years to be dependent on LBJ
politics and are just now figuring out how vile and evil that
Democrat plan was and is. O0 :grrr:
Prepare;  it is up to you regardless of your race.
Y'all can only steal so much money from people like me, till the money runs out.


When your city fills up with illegals that have more rights than you it changes your perspective
“Wars happen when the government tells you who the enemy is. Revolutions happen when you figure it out for yourselves.”


Prepping is common sense...it's a survival instinct.
Even animals in the wild do it.

Squirrels gather food.
My dog buries food and digs it up later. :rofl:
What, Me Worry?