HDF range day- 5/22/2021- carbine! (.22lr ok if that's all the ammo you have) (Read 1950 times)


this month, we will have a carbine skill builder class
space is limited so that we can maximize learning

no RSVP is necessary for the open shoot portion, which runs from 8-10
if you help set up from 7:15, you will receive a $5 discount  on open shoot (regular fee is $15)
you may shoot any HI legal rifle, shotgun, or pistol
10 rounds in mag limit, rapid fire allowed as long as it is AIMED
there will be targets set up at various distances, but you are welcome to bring your own (targets must be approved by range staff)
personal equipment (targets/tables) MUST be set up during setup time before line goes hot

covered shoes are REQUIRED for all who are present

we will be cleaning up and setting up for the class from 10-10:30
class begins promptly at 10:30 am, please arrive by 10 am to check in, help set up, and get geared up.
late arrivals may be charged a late fee or even be denied entry to the class.
If you are unable to attend, please let us know as soon as possible.  Failure to provide at least 72 hours notice may result in penalties for future classes.

required gear/ammo: carbine (any caliber, including .22lr semiauto allowed), at least 3 magazines, pouches (belt or chest rig) to hold spare mags and 125-150 rounds of ammo

please let us know if you cannot stay until he end of the session, because we usually have a small challenge at the end and we need to form teams

DO NOT RSVP on this thread.
email this address to sign up and you will be notified next week of your class status
---------> hdfrangeday@thehdf.org <----------
RSVPs begin at 8 am saturday 5/8/21
signups before 8 am will be dealt with accordingly
you will receive notification of your class status on monday,  via email
if you apply later than monday, you will receive a reply email with your status as we receive it.

please be courteous to your fellow shooters
do not take spots in the class if you are unable to attend
late cancellations and no-shows can lead to automatic waitlist status in the future


How much does it cost to enroll for the Carbine Workshop?


How much does it cost to enroll for the Carbine Workshop?

i believe it's $30 non-members $20 members
open shoot is free if you are signed up for skill builder...




Thanks HDF staff for the excellent carbine skill builder class  :shaka: