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they trying to make them illegaler...

Those are already illegal.
Legal and Activism / Re: Stand your ground law
« Last post by Begle1 on Today at 08:30:06 PM »
I have yet to ubderstand why self-defense laws on "ag land" have any reason to be different than self-defense laws on any other land.
Legal and Activism / Re: Stand your ground law
« Last post by QUIETShooter on Today at 08:09:25 PM »
I feel for that father that lost his son on agricultural land.

So, is this bill only pertaining to agricultural land?

Stand your ground is common sense.  It should be everywhere.  And anywhere.

And we should all be able to freely choose whatever "tools" appropriate to make that possible.
Political Discussion / Re: DOGE Thread
« Last post by Flapp_Jackson on Today at 07:46:58 PM »
THey stopped social security for some people and the left is upset and called DOGE liars.

DOGE"s reply,  These 12 are over 150 years old.

The left is still upset cause "you said you won't stop SS payments".
The Left are liars.  They always accuse the Right of doing that which they themselves are doing.  The media helps perpetuate their lies.

Legal and Activism / Re: Stand your ground law
« Last post by hvybarrels on Today at 07:09:34 PM »
Is Komrade Karl judiciary? Who do we have to hassle to get this scheduled?
Political Discussion / Re: CA preventing residents from rebuilding
« Last post by ren on Today at 06:43:27 PM »
Why would I drive west in Kapolei if I was headed to Kaneohe?

good job officer
General Discussion / Re: be careful with your construction tools
« Last post by ren on Today at 06:38:15 PM »
Do you have law enforcement experience?
for having such a long career at HPD,

Those are already illegal.

Always? Is there currently no legal channel to get a serial number engraved and register a homemade firearm?

And at what point is a homemade firearm a firearm? Based on what the bills claim, it sounds like only when it's actually functional.
Political Discussion / Re: DOGE Thread
« Last post by changemyoil66 on Today at 05:14:16 PM »
THey stopped social security for some people and the left is upset and called DOGE liars.

DOGE"s reply,  These 12 are over 150 years old.

The left is still upset cause "you said you won't stop SS payments".

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