Prepping can be a lot of work.
I always keep a stash of canned goods,.... just in case.
So now that I have more time to fut around at home, I tried living off the canned goods for a while.
Think of it as practice for the zombie apocalypse.
What I learned so far:
1- pork and beans from 2018 still taste the same

2- I like canned corn a lot.

3- Those instant coffee packets from asia are really good to me.
4- vienna sausage makes omelets taste great and it works really good for obedience training your dogs.
5- Canned green beans are good to supplement dog food, but I don't particularly care for them.

6- Generic walmart pork-beans are pretty good.
7- Canned chili makes a great dip for tortilla chips.
8- I need a new can opener.