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Topics - zippz

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General Discussion / CMP 1911's back on sale
« on: January 29, 2025, 05:39:21 PM »
Looks like they got a whole bunch of USGI 1911 pistols for sale.  $1100 to $1300 depending on grade.

Please SUPPORT this bill.  It protects landowners from lawsuits when people use the land for recreational purposes, to include hunting.  I'm not sure, but it might open up ranges on private lands too.  This bill protects landowners from lawsuits by recreational users.  THis will ease landowners fears and possibly open up more lands for recreational use.

Submit SUPPORTING testimony by registering on the site, and submitting testimony for HB12.  It can be written online just put a paragraph or two why this is good and how you may benefit from it.  You also have the option of testifying live on video via Zoom on Tuesday.

HB12, hearing on Tuesday 1-28-25 at 9am:

You can also call or email the committee members too.  Water and Land Committee Members:
General Discussion / 2A winning has started at the White House
« on: January 22, 2025, 03:06:25 PM »
Political Discussion / Honolulu's budget
« on: January 08, 2025, 05:26:09 PM »
Interesting stats.  Majority of the budget goes to pension/retirement, debt, and the rail.

General Discussion / CCW Insurance
« on: January 05, 2025, 09:21:54 PM »
What CCW insurance do you use and why?

Currently using Armed Citizens Legal Defense Network (ACLDN) which is actually not insurance.  It's like a group defense fund when self-defense is used regardless of type of weapon.  I got it because of the price and Massad Ayoob, Tom Givens, Karl Rehn, and other self-defense experts are part of it.  It costs about $100 per year and covers the usual bail bond, criminal and civil defense.  It also has a newsletter and self-defense educational lessons.

I used USCCA in the past but it is expensive starting at $300 a year.  The lessons are more polished and easier to understand for beginners and their unrelated firearms training programs are a bit better than the NRA.  But I already take a lot of classes on self-defense law and tactics so just needed the insurance.

Old thread that covers some insurance:
Political Discussion / Cybertruck explodes at Trump Hotel Las Vegas
« on: January 01, 2025, 11:45:33 AM »
Coincidental symbology here.  Wonder if it could be political...

Off Topic / Salt Lake Fireworks Explosion
« on: January 01, 2025, 09:14:01 AM »
That was nutz.  Unfortunate but some people go way overboard with fireworks.

I wonder if the proliferation of fireworks and accidents have to do with the ban.  Theres no regulations, no safety training, and no limits on what you can get (basically since everything is illegal, you get the biggest thing and most you can).  If fireworks were legalized, to include smaller aerials, then I surmise it could be safer.  People would rather stay legal than buy illegal fireworks.  The legal fireworks would be with a permit giving the county additional income while limiting the amount of fireworks bought and only allowing for the sale of safer ones.  City could do public service announcements, safety messages, and clinics on the safe use of fireworks.

At least 4 dead, multiple injured after ‘massive’ fireworks explosion at Salt Lake home
General Discussion / Happy New Year! Once a year checks...
« on: January 01, 2025, 08:02:11 AM »
TIme to do your once a year checks.  Anything you suggest?

Replace batteries in optics and flashlights
Replace recoil springs and other wear items as needed.
Deep cleaning and oiling on guns and check for cracks and wear.
Change out carry ammo
Get out and practice if you haven't done so for a long time.

Quietshooter:  Replace electronic gun safe batteries
General Discussion / Correia's 10 observations on gun fights
« on: December 28, 2024, 08:05:27 AM »
John Correia, from Active Self Protection, findings from all of the gunfights he's reviewed.  Good info to know and to focus training where it counts.

John P Correia

I've watched about 5,000 gunfights at this point, and the patterns that emerge are pretty clear. Some thoughts you might want to consider that I don't think that the training community really wants to hear:
1. Most gunfights aren't entangled gunfights. Empty-handed skills are important, but very rare once the gun comes out. They're necessary for LE more than CCW, by a long shot. For CCW, empty-handed skills are critical for the 80% of assaults that don't rise to the level of deadly force response. So go to your martial arts training.
2. Reloads are almost vanishingly insignificant factors in gunfights. I have seen precisely 2 reloads in a real gunfight that weren't on-duty LEO. And neither of those affected the outcome of the fight. I have seen about 7 or 8 where a higher capacity firearm or the presence of a reload might have affected the outcome. So 0.2% of what I have witnessed. Don't spend much valuable class time teaching emergency and retention least until your highest level classes where all the fundamentals are flawless. I like Tom Givens' focus on the PROACTIVE reload once the fight is over. That has value in my opinion.
3. He who puts the first shot into meaty bits on the other guy, wins. Not 100%, but darn near, at least partially because of the FIBS Factor. Therefore, training a fast and reliable draw and first shot in the meaty bits is most important, in my opinion. It is THE critical skill to winning the gunfight. The best cover is fire superiority.
4. Follow-up shots are necessary. Seldom do gunfights END with that first shot, so keep at him until he decides he is done fighting. This is where multiple target acquisition is important, because it simulates a moving target to hit. (unless you have a fancy moving target that can move erratically, in which case you are high speed!)
5. People have a crazy tendency to use the gun one-handed, mostly because they have stuff in their support hand. Training people to drop what's in their hands and get two hands on the gun is a necessary skill for #3 and 4.
6. You simply WILL NOT stand still while someone wants to kill you. Unless you're counter-ambushing, when the gun comes out you will move. So training students to move with purpose while #3 and 4 are going on is also a critical skill. They're going to do it, so teach them to use it.
7. Chasing deadly threats is another bad habit that I see all the time. Teach your students to shoot and scoot. Move AWAY from the threat.
8. Concealment ain't cover, but it works identically in 99.9% of cases. People won't shoot what they can't see, so teach your students to get to concealment, and to shoot through it if their threat is behind it.
9. People love cover so much they give it a hug. Reliably. Like all the time. Teaching distance from cover/concealment is an important skill and one that is necessary.
10. Malfunctions happen. They just do. But unless you're carrying a crap gun, they're rare. In all my videos I have never seen someone clear a malfunction that needed a tap to the baseplate to get the gun back working again or whose mag fell out when the gun went click...rack and reassess is necessary though. In a couple of instances, a strip, rack, reload would have helped.
Just some random thoughts...I hope we have met your jimmy rustling needs for today.
Off Topic / Vegas Eats
« on: December 27, 2024, 05:48:23 PM »
What are you good eats (up to $75 a person) and cheap eats in Las Vegas.

Cheap eats for me is California Hotel using someone elses food coupons for a Steak dinner. :)

I watched the Kitchen Nightmares and Hells Kitchen series so I ate at Gordon Ramsey's Steakhouse which was good but not really memorable.  Hell's Kitchen was neat for the different food there and atmosphere.  Gordon's Fish and Chips was good but wasn't anything special. 
Off Topic / Trip to Georgia with an EV!
« on: December 24, 2024, 03:44:31 PM »
Just my trip to Georgia and experience renting an EV.  I own and love my Tesla model Y and wanted to see what it's like renting and driving one on the mainland.  I rented this Kia Niro EV FWD for $200 a week, $50 cheaper than an economy sedan.  I wonder if renting EV's are a hard sell.

I hated the million control switches and buttons.  So complicated compared to the scarcity of buttons on a Tesla.

BTW Delta is still zip tying luggage w/firearms.  This time they used a tiny zip tie on the zippers.  Fortunately I had my trauma shears in my aid kit which is TSA compliant.  Then I armed up.  Constitutional carry in Florida and Georgia.

Beautiful scenery driving the 70 miles to Georgia with lots of flood plains, rivers, marshes, and beaches.  Car had a good power but I couldn't figure out some of the controls.  70MPH limit on the freeways.

A lot of patriotism everywhere.  Many homes and businesses had flags displayed.  Also some nice touches here and there to make me feel welcome.

Home sweet home.  Drove 70 miles to my hotel located in an abandoned mall.  Embassy Suites is always nice though.  Drive was pleasant and the 60 degree weather didn't reduce the battery much.

Waiting for me at the hotel is the Underwood 10mm 200gr fullpower hardcast ammo I had delivered, it's for my future hiking trip in Alaska and Colorado.  Good against brown bears, mountain lions, and two legged critters.  Just $28 a box + $20 shipping.  I couldn't find it in Hawaii but just noticed Firearms International has it now for $48 a box.

My hotel didn't have EV charging, closest one was walmart a 10 minute walk down the street.  Fortunately the Federal building had a lot of free charging stations !  I appreciate your tax money going into charging my car.  It was a slow 6amp charger though so it took all day to charge the battery.

Some wonderful BBQ.  The fried aligator tails weren't my thing, like a cross between chicken tenders and fish sticks.  It's okay but not something I'd order again.

Nice view of the pier and beach back in Jacksonville.

I drove back to Jacksonville  The difficult part is charging the car before returning it to the airport.  I picked a hotel that was next to the airport and had free EV charging.  Unfortunately it was a Tesla charger that wouldn't plug into the car.  They had lots of chargers available but of no use to me. 

I was able to google other chargers and there was a single charger at the hotel just across the highway.  Fortunately it was open as the next charger was over a mile away.  I plug it in and it starts charging.  Only 13 cents a KWH or $7 to charge up the battery for 200 miles and take 8 hrs.  Equivalent gas car would cost $20 to fill up so you do save money driving an EV.

General Discussion / Gun ranges on the mainland
« on: December 24, 2024, 01:49:53 PM »
I went to Florida last week and did some shooting practice with my Glock 48 CCW gun.  So much easier and cheaper to practice on the mainland so I make it a habit to do so on my travels.

First stop was Sportsmans Warehouse.

$10.99 a box of 9mm.  Never heard of the brand but it's factory new made in the USA.  Bought 3 boxes.

Local indoor gun range in Jacksonville.  Signed the waiver, paid $14 range fee and 3 targets for $1.50 each.

Nice clean and cool indoor 15 yard range. 

With 150 rounds I practiced my concealed draw times, one handed shooting left & right, rapid fires, flashlight drills, and turn and shoot drills.  Spent an hour at the range.
After shooting I realized this was a 3/4 scale target.  Up that difficulty factor.

Total cost:
$33      150 rounds ammo: 
$14      Range fee
$4.50   3 targets
$51.50  Total

Same thing at xring would be
$50     Membership fee
$20    Range fee
$90     150 rounds ammo
$25    Holster draw fee
$25    Rapid fire fee
$6?     3 targets
$216  Total

$34   Range Fee x2 (30min ea)
$90  150 rounds ammo
$6     3 targets
$130  Total

And on a separate note, finally got my Underwood full power 10mm ammo!  Hard cast 200gr at 1250fps for bears.  Got it straight from Underwood delivered to my hotel for $28 a box +$20 shipping.  Could never find the stuff here but now Firearms International has it for $48 a box.  Something you can do on the mainland for the hard to find ammo or buying ammo for a class or hunting trip there.
Off Topic / Black Friday Deals
« on: November 29, 2024, 11:38:40 AM »
What deals are out there?  What did you get?

Got some Mountain House freeze dried cans.  They got a 50% off cans deal, but only certain ones actually save you money like the Chili Mac and Beef Stroganoff.  Free shipping.  Amazon has a discount on pouches too.

Hill People Gear chest rig.  They make very good chest rigs for CCW which I will use my Glock 40 for hiking on the mainland.  I also plan on using it to get a CCW license for it.  Only a 6% or so discount, so not that great.

For tea connoisseurs, got some Japanese green tea from this place.  Was highly recommended to me and they have a 10% off discount.

Streamlight rechargable 250 lumens flashlight.  Compact for CCW and cheap for a quality rechargable.  Good for presents.  $25

Political Discussion / Biden for Trump?
« on: November 07, 2024, 04:29:02 PM »
Happiest Person in the US on Election Night:  President Biden

Seems to be more evidence of it, that Biden secretly wanted Trump to win since Kamala and party threw Biden under the bus and ousted him from the elections.

Listen to his day after election speech.  He looks happy.  He has energy.  He speaks clearly and I can understand him.

Joe Biden gets blamed by Harris allies for the vice president’s resounding loss
I feel safer already.  This is a great system as there was no way to report crimes in the past.

State launches gun tip line to gather reports of illegal firearms

As part of an ongoing effort designed to reduce gun violence, the state Department of Law Enforcement set up a Gun Tip Line for people to “make anonymous reports of illegal gun ownership and gun crimes,” according to a news release from the state.

“The Gun Tip Line offers another way the public can assist law enforcement in protecting our neighborhoods,” said DLE Director Jordan Lowe, in a statement. “Guns that have been stolen, guns that haven’t been registered and guns in the wrong hands are often used to commit crimes. The consequences can be tragic. So, if you see something, send something to the Gun Tip Line and help us make Hawai‘i safer.”

>> Call or text the Gun Tip Line at 808-427-4018
General Discussion / Armed Civilians Stopped Hamas Terrorists in Israel
« on: October 02, 2024, 08:42:56 AM »
Good to see Israel making progress on the 2A on the use of firearms for self-defense. 

Hamas claims responsibility for Tuesday’s shooting and stabbing attack in Tel Aviv
From CNN's Abeer Salman and Tamar Michaelis

 At least six people were killed and nine wounded on Tuesday when two gunmen got off a tram in Tel Aviv and opened fire on passers-by, before themselves being shot dead by security forces and an armed civilian, Israeli police said.
Israeli police said on Wednesday that the attackers were stopped by security forces and civilians who used personal guns. One of the attackers was killed at the scene. The other was severely injured.
Legal and Activism / CCW Questions - state the county
« on: September 09, 2024, 09:47:21 PM »
Since each county has slightly different policies and procedures, please state what county your CCW question applies to.
General Discussion / Waianae shooting and loader incident 4 dead Aug 30 2024
« on: September 02, 2024, 03:02:15 PM »
This incident deserves it's own post.

Dispute between neighbors leaves 4 people dead, 2 critically hurt in Waianae Valley

Homicide Lieutenant Deena Thoemmes reported that the calls described a neighbor using a front loader—a type of heavy construction machinery—to ram multiple cars into the home.

“Multiple individuals were in the carport and fled or tried to flee when the suspect opened fire, striking the victims,” said Thoemmes during a press conference held on Sunday.

During the incident, a 42-year-old male resident of the home fatally shot the suspect, who was his neighbor.
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