Just my trip to Georgia and experience renting an EV. I own and love my Tesla model Y and wanted to see what it's like renting and driving one on the mainland. I rented this Kia Niro EV FWD for $200 a week, $50 cheaper than an economy sedan. I wonder if renting EV's are a hard sell.

I hated the million control switches and buttons. So complicated compared to the scarcity of buttons on a Tesla.

BTW Delta is still zip tying luggage w/firearms. This time they used a tiny zip tie on the zippers. Fortunately I had my trauma shears in my aid kit which is TSA compliant. Then I armed up. Constitutional carry in Florida and Georgia.

Beautiful scenery driving the 70 miles to Georgia with lots of flood plains, rivers, marshes, and beaches. Car had a good power but I couldn't figure out some of the controls. 70MPH limit on the freeways.

A lot of patriotism everywhere. Many homes and businesses had flags displayed. Also some nice touches here and there to make me feel welcome.

Home sweet home. Drove 70 miles to my hotel located in an abandoned mall. Embassy Suites is always nice though. Drive was pleasant and the 60 degree weather didn't reduce the battery much.

Waiting for me at the hotel is the Underwood 10mm 200gr fullpower hardcast ammo I had delivered, it's for my future hiking trip in Alaska and Colorado. Good against brown bears, mountain lions, and two legged critters. Just $28 a box + $20 shipping. I couldn't find it in Hawaii but just noticed Firearms International has it now for $48 a box.

My hotel didn't have EV charging, closest one was walmart a 10 minute walk down the street. Fortunately the Federal building had a lot of free charging stations ! I appreciate your tax money going into charging my car. It was a slow 6amp charger though so it took all day to charge the battery.

Some wonderful BBQ. The fried aligator tails weren't my thing, like a cross between chicken tenders and fish sticks. It's okay but not something I'd order again.

Nice view of the pier and beach back in Jacksonville.

I drove back to Jacksonville The difficult part is charging the car before returning it to the airport. I picked a hotel that was next to the airport and had free EV charging. Unfortunately it was a Tesla charger that wouldn't plug into the car. They had lots of chargers available but of no use to me.

I was able to google other chargers and there was a single charger at the hotel just across the highway. Fortunately it was open as the next charger was over a mile away. I plug it in and it starts charging. Only 13 cents a KWH or $7 to charge up the battery for 200 miles and take 8 hrs. Equivalent gas car would cost $20 to fill up so you do save money driving an EV.