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Topics - drck1000

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U.S. Olympic gold medalist and WNBA champion Brittney Griner could face up to five years in a Russian labor camp after she was arrested in the country last month, an expert said.

Griner, a 31-year-old Phoenix Mercury basketball star, has not been seen since she was arrested in Russia last month after Russian officials allegedly found vape cartridges in her luggage and accused her of attempting to smuggle drugs into the country.

Want to be woke, go.  Just watch out for which bridges you try to erode. . .
Vice President Kamala Harris was ridiculed for appearing as a deer in headlights in response to a question on how the United States could assist in the plight of Ukrainian refugees during the Russian military invasion, even appearing to look to Polish President Andrzej Duda for help.

A reporter pressed Harris on the Ukrainian refugee crisis during her joint press conference with Duda in Poland Thursday, saying that according to a colleague's reporting, Poland would not be equipped to handle an influx of Ukrainian refugees. Her colleague said that, in its current state, the refugee system in Poland will collapse because it's an improvised system that can work for "maybe two weeks, but not indefinitely."

"I'm wondering what the United States is going to do more specifically to set up a permanent infrastructure and, relatedly, is the United States willing to make a special allocation for Ukrainian refugees?" the reporter asked Harris. The journalist then asked Duda if he had specifically asked the U.S. to accept more refugees.

Harris did not appear eager to answer the inquiry, turning expectantly toward Doda and saying, "A friend in need is a friend indeed," before laughing for several seconds. Duda eventually capitulated and answered his question first, saying he had asked Harris to help speed the process of Ukrainian refugees obtaining U.S. visas in order to stay with family in the States.

Harris later said she understood the "unprecedented" situation presented to the Polish government, but did not say how many refugees the U.S. would be willing to take.

What a train wreck. . .

I hope all those who rooted for her because of whatever reasons, not her capabilities or anything rational, are happy. 
NEW YORK - After deliberating for five full days, a federal jury has found Ghislaine Maxwell guilty on five of six charges in her sex abuse trial.

Wonder what other dominos will fall…
Like the title says.  What .22 lr ammo have you tried?  What are your faves?

I'm interested in .22 lr ammo for B/A rifles, but feel free to chime in for whatever your use/preference is.

So far I've only shot CCi Velocitor in my B/A 22.

I have Eley Match and Lapua Midas+ coming, hopefully any day now.

I have more Eley Match and some Eley Target on order.  Prob coming end-Jan(ish).

Been trying to find SK Rifle match, but near impossible to find.  Was debating on the SK High Velocity that I found in stock.

Been eyeing RWS, but that stuff is pricey!  :o
Deals and Sales / Safariland Sale
« on: November 19, 2021, 11:12:06 AM »
Pssst, CMO

Hurry offer ends November 28, 2021.


No idea on wait times though.
HONOLULU (HawaiiNewsNow) - The race to be Hawaii’s next lieutenant governor is still a year away, but it’s already attracting a crowded field.

Candidates include state Rep. and House Finance Chair Sylvia Luke and and her former state Senate counterpart, former state Sen. Jill Tokuda; and two former city Councilmembers: Ikaika Anderson and Ron Menor, who is also a former longtime state lawmaker.

Two business leaders, Chamber of Commerce of Hawaii CEO Sherry Menor-McNamara and former Hawaii High School Athletics Association Executive Director Keith Amemiya, who also ran unsuccessfully for mayor last year, are also running.

“Really it’s probably anyone’s race but I think Tokuda, Anderson and Amemiya are likely to have the most name recognition,” said Hawaii News Now Political Analyst Colin Moore.
Updated: The Legislature sometimes amends a bill with entirely new contents. The Supreme Court says those bills must get a full public vetting.

The Hawaii Supreme Court ruled Thursday that the Legislature should not be allowed to gut the contents of a bill and replace it with new provisions, sometimes unrelated to the original bill, because the practice “discourages public confidence and participation.”

It’s a significant ruling, putting an end to a long-held legislative maneuver just months before lawmakers are set to reconvene in January.

The tactic has long aroused the ire of good government groups calling for more transparency in the legislative process and comes more than three years after those groups first challenged the practice in court.

The ruling was split 3-2, with Associate Justices Paula Nakayama, Sabrina McKenna and Michael Wilson in the majority. Chief Justice Mark Recktenwald disagreed with the majority opinion, and in a dissenting opinion said that the three justices did not properly interpret the state constitution. Circuit Judge Shirley Kawamura, who filled in on the court due to a vacancy at the time, joined Recktenwald.

I recall a few instances where laws impacting 2a got "tweaked" last minute.  Wonder what loopholes they will find now. . .
Arizona Marine vet who disarmed robbery suspect accepts heroism award in 'Let's go Brandon' T-shirt

The U.S. Marine Corps veteran seen on video stopping an attempted robbery at an Arizona convenience store has accepted an award from the Yuma County Sheriff’s Office for this "extraordinary heroism and exceptional courage" wearing a "Let's go Brandon" T-shirt. 

James Kilcer was presented with the Citizen’s Valor Award on Tuesday following the Oct. 20 incident.
Off Topic / Movies So Stupid You Have to Laugh
« on: October 04, 2021, 10:27:13 PM »
What are some movies are so stupid, you have to laugh?

One of my favorites is Army of Darkness. It’s on HBO as I type this. I would say a guilty pleasure, but that move has some classic lines and cracks me up.  :rofl:
Off Topic / Best Meat Jun?
« on: September 18, 2021, 09:29:46 AM »
Best meat jun?

My top 3 are:
1) Young’s
2) Dong Yang
3) Kyung’s

I like Sorabol’s as well, used to eat it really late, so everything tasted good then.

Anyways, had Young’s yesterday. It was good, but not as good as I remember. Might have to hit up Dong Yang and Kyung’s to test again. And again haha
Political Discussion / Mayor Blangiardi The Hypocrite
« on: September 17, 2021, 08:53:11 AM »
Saw videos of what was reported as Blangiardi leaving a party for his birthday recently that was attended by 10+ people in an indoor venue.  But that's not all, he was lipping off at folks leaving the venue.  Wonder how come that's not making the local news?  Hmm

Now folks are posting more of his rants on SM.  Wonder how that will progress. . .
Off Topic / Mental Heath and Suicide
« on: September 07, 2021, 09:50:53 PM »
If any of y’all need someone to vent to, listen, bounce ideas off off, etc, don’t be afraid to reach out. Seriously…

Had some encounters with friends and coworkers recently that opened my eyes more to this subject. One was a buddy who was having some difficulties with unfolding events in Afghanistan. It started with him venting in normal “guy talk”. Then over some beers, more came out.  Particularly how some of his other buddies were having a difficult time and many of them looked to him for guidance as their leader from back in the day. Anyways, he was able to vent, but someone I’ll definitely check in on more often.

Second example is that I’m back to formally begin a supervisor after not being in that position for over 10 years. There was a suicide prevention and awareness thing recently and I forward that to to staff with a note sharing some things. Anyways, one emailed me with venting and today, another came to my office and shared quite a bit. My staff are mostly folks I’ve known for years and a couple of them are good friends. The one who came to my office today is one who I consider a good friend, who just so happens is on my team now. The conversation started has him venting another work and then took what I felt was a strange turn. Didn’t know where he was going with things at first. I thought he was gonna quit. It turned out that he was going through some things. He told me that he didn’t feel he could discuss some of those things with say his wife or family. That took me by surprise at first, but the more we chatted, made more sense. At the end of the convo, it did seem like a weight had been lifted off his shoulders.

We get in each other here and all, but mostly in fun. At least for me. But we are a 2a community with common interests.  Sometimes we need to take a step back and remember that.

We have plenty of threads for bickering, let’s keep this one more on track please.
General Discussion / Impact on Recent Firearm and Ammunition Situation?
« on: September 07, 2021, 07:58:47 AM »
How has the recent situation on firearm and ammunition availability and pricing affected you? 

Has it slowed down your enjoyment of shooting?  Has it made you put off purchasing of firearms?  If so, what were you looking for?

Has recent events been a wakeup call for you, or those that you know?   

For me, there are probably a few handguns that I may have looked to buy if I hadn't gotten back into the bolt action thing.  The most impact for me has been reloading components.  I was able to get what I needed, but at a higher price and probably not as wide range of components to try.  The latter may actually be a good thing as I forced me to focus on working with what I could get and luckily I was able to get at least decent components.

As for wake up call, not me.  Maybe highlighted things many shooting enthusiasts have know and been saying to folks for many years.  Don't have any close friends that were caught unawares and were scrambling to acquire a firearm. 

Looking for your experiences and recommendations on .22 lr bolt action rifle.  I've long wanted a .22 lr bolt action, or even a 10/22, but never got around to it.  When my centerfire bolt action comes in, I might as well maximize my time at HPD, so .22 lr bolt actions seems next on the list. 

I've shot Savage BA .22 lr a lot over the years.  Seems like a very solid rifle, readily available (in normal times), and very fun to shoot.  I've shot some others over the years, but none that stood out. CZ, Ruger, etc. 

Was going more research lately and read that some have issues with the Savage trigger, or something not to their liking.  I thought the Savage .22 lr BA rifle triggers were ok, or at least didn't notice anything bad about them.

Anyone who has been in the market for .22 lr BA, how available are they locally as of late?  I should run down to LGSs and check them out.  I'd want to try to buy one through a LGS as first choice, but I'm ok with ordering online. 
Ammunition prices are about to skyrocket! Bidens state department announced today further sanctions on Russia. Which include the denial of all pending and future import permits for firearms manufactured in Russia.

This is bad news for gun owners in America for two reasons.

    Russian Ammunition accounts for approximately 40% of available ammo at this time.
    Steel ammunition prices are the only thing keeping brass ammunition prices in check. When steel goes up brass will skyrocket.

When it rains. . .

I haven't dug into this.  Saw it on a post by MAC. 
Firearms and Accessories / 6.5 Creedmoor - Your Experiences & Thoughts
« on: August 09, 2021, 12:20:56 PM »
What are your experiences and thoughts on 6.5 Creedmoor?

I'm waiting on my custom .308 bolt action, but I have found a great deal on another action.  So figured that since I'll be registering the .308 when it's done, might as well make more efficient use of my time and "enjoy" it with HPD.   :P

But seriously, I was thinking of eventually going into the 6 mm range eventually, but this good deal may accelerate it.  Use will be the same as .308 Win, which is general target shooting, somewhat PRS style as opposed to benchrest or F-Class, with being more efficient at longer range (600 to 1000+ yards).  I'll still be focusing on .308 for the time being, but I am excited about venturing into 6 mm range.

I'm thinking 6.5 for many reasons.  Cartridge performance is a big one, but also availability of commercial/factory ammo.  Yeah, I'll be rolling my own, but good to have some match grade ammo to test with. 
Reloading / Forster Co-Ax Press
« on: August 05, 2021, 02:35:23 PM »
Seeing if anyone is interested in a Forster Co-Ax press.  I have been on the OpticPlanet waitlist and just got an email that the anticipated ship date end of August.  I forgot I was on the waitlist.  I bought one a couple of months ago, but I haven't used it yet.  Anyways, I just wanted to see if anyone is interested.  If not, I will likely cancel my order or maybe just get it and hold onto it. 
Firearms and Accessories / Firearm Component Lead Times
« on: August 03, 2021, 07:27:14 AM »
Have been researching a custom bolt action build for a while and recently (about a month ago) started the order process.  I noticed lead times on stuff like custom action and chassis/stocks steadily creeping up, but was in the 2-3 month range.  Was just watching a couple of videos, including one from an F-Class shooter on what he recommends to get started.  On that video, he mentioned stuff like Defiance actions lead time in the 6-9 month, maybe more range.  Some barrel manufacturers in the 4-6 month or more range.  When I ordered my parts, the longest lead item was the chassis (side folder) with barrel not expected to be a big deal since the company I ordered through has a steady supply of barrels, at least the common caliber/contour/twists on order.  But yikes!  One guy that was helping me with my orders said that not that long ago, the longest lead was a chassis in a configuration that wasn't that common and that lead time was maybe 1 month.  Bad timing to back into bolt action rifles. . .  :(
Reloading / Pistol Caliber Reloading - Do You Chrono?
« on: June 11, 2021, 07:28:34 AM »
For pistol caliber reloading, do you chrono your loads?

If yes, what are you looking for?  For min or target power factor (for say competition)?  To replicate factory ammo?  Other?

What chrono are you using?  I've mostly seen the chrono with the "gates" at KHSC, but seems to be rare. 
Political Discussion / Ignorant Populace is Easily Subverted (GA Bill)
« on: April 07, 2021, 11:36:28 AM »
Tony Cowden

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