Received an email notification that Rainier Arms has LMT Defender 2000 lowers in stock. The pricing appears to be the same as they were last fall (pre-election and craziness).
What are the approximate lead times currently for special order handguns, particularly S&W M&P 45 and a 686?
Maybe the first question is are there many of them in the distribution chain? I would think the M&P would be available with some regularity. The 686 I would assume to be tougher to come by.
Based on facts, statistics and common sense. Addresses many false firearm "myths" being spewed about by anti-gun groups that the public generally eats up.
This photo was taken 1/28/13 at the Hartford Connecticut Public Hearing on new proposed gun legislation where thousands of CT residents turned out with over 1300 registering to give testimony. Those in attendance were overwhelmingly 2nd Amendment supporters. Seen in the photo is State Senator, Assistant Majority Leader, and gun ban proposal coauthor, Beth Bye. While the other legislative officials in attendance all listened intently to testimony given from both sides of the fence, Bye spent hours playing on Facebook, posting and chatting with friends, and blatantly ignoring all testimonials which opposed her stance.
An AWB/Gun Control bill was recently to be withdrawn. It appears that was in part due to public outcry regarding the proposed legislation. Goes to show that it is possible to affect change through contacting your legislators and expressing your concerns, views, values, etc.
Got this from a friend in another gun forum. He lives in Michigan and they formed a political action group called Michigan Coalition for Responsible Gun Owners that successfully pushed through "Shall Issue" laws. I haven't looked into the website that closely just yet, but just passing along the information.
Anybody headed to the range tomorrow (Fri) or Sat? I was planning on going Saturday morning, but my schedule just freed up and I may be able to go tomorrow. I have to (more like want to) verify my zero for my BCM upper that I just got back from being sent into BCM to have them inspect it and also check the windage adjustment for one of my Glock 17s. I may also run my LMT some to see what effect a the incorporation of a blue Springco buffer spring has. contains content generated by its users. As such, claims no responsibility for content posted by its users. Users are urged not to post copyrighted materials without respect to Fair Use. does respect copyrights, their holders, and the DMCA. If you are a legal copyright holder or a designated agent for such and you believe a post on this website falls outside the boundaries of "Fair Use" and legitimately infringes on yours or your clients copyright we may be contacted concerning copyright matters at: