I sold my P320 to my SIL. It was my favorite after my P226. He was looking for his first handgun, so I sold him that and my Sig 1911 Nightmare Fastback -- my 2 favorite guns.
I figure with the P320 "family" of handguns expanding as it is, I'd be just as happy, or happier, with a different flavor of P320. So, I'll wait until a good deal on a great model comes along.
There's so much to like about the P320 platform. Striker fired, trigger, weight, ergonomics, etc. The fact that you can also use the FCG module in other size and caliber X-Change kits is another plus.
It shoots great, and I ran close to 1K rds in it out of the box without cleaning. No jams or malfunctions. The one thing I had to get used to is the complete lack of "take up" on the trigger. One of the exercises we did at Front Sight was fire two rounds, do a tactical reload, then keep the pistol trained on the target while taking up the slack on the trigger. Both times my gun went "bang!" when it was supposed to just be ready to fire! At least I hit the center of the target both times!

A little embarrassing, but the trainers understood. That's one reason we train -- weapon familiarity.
I can't think of anything on the original P320 Nitride I bought to complain about. I even got it as soon as OGC had it on sale after they first came out before the prices started going crazy. Once the popularity and military selections kicked in, they were easily going for 50%-100% more than I paid.
Sent it back for the "voluntary upgrade" / non-recall trigger swap after the drop-fire problem was discovered. The trigger used to "click" when it was unloaded and the firing pin not yet set. Now, it's like a Glock. Pull the trigger when unloaded and not yet racked, and you get no click.