Sharing experiences with aftermarket triggers for handguns, and any recommendations.
I shot all stock triggers for a long time. My first foray into aftermarket triggers was with my Gucci Glocks that came with a ton of aftermarket parts, including the trigger. Shot those for a long time. It wasn't until recently that I dabbled into aftermarket triggers on other handguns.
Some recent trials:
- Glock Timney with Johnny Glock vex shoe
Have this on a Gen 4 17 frame meant for competition. I use a 34 and 17RDS slide. The Timney trigger break is nice compared to the stock Glock, but quite light and quite a bit of overtravel. With the JG shoe and connector, it increased the break a touch (haven't put on a gauge), which I like. Also decreases the overtravel, reset spring pressure is improved, a solid wall, and short reset.
- Overwatch Precision
Have this on a 43x. Only about 50 rounds with it, but there are some things I like over the stock 43x trigger, but some things that are meh, or at least that I have to get used to. Need to give it more time.
Swapping out the complete FCG also served as a reminder on occasionally needing to clean those areas that are exposed when swapping those parts out. Talk about years of gunk, that some mention can act as mild abrasives and causing wear. I now occasionally clean out those areas here and there because things can start to bind up, particularly with a carbon cleaning product, which I no longer use.