CCW Holsters - Experiences & Recommendations (Read 1950 times)


CCW Holsters - Experiences & Recommendations
« on: December 05, 2022, 12:42:30 PM »
What are your current CCW holster preferences?  Have you tried new holsters or other gear recently? 

I've been trying out different Tier 1 AIWB holsters lately.  The Aegis Elite, MSP, and Xiphos for my 17, 19, and 43x.  Before that, I had been using the Axis and a couple of different variations of holsters from TRex Arms, in the rare times that I would CCW on the mainland. 

Each of the holsters have pros and cons, so wanted to try for myself.  The newest are the MSP, which accommodates a wide range of firearms as long as you use a WML, in my case X300U. My current personal preference is the Xiphos for my 19 Gen 3, which also fits a 17 Gen 3.  The Gen 5 models fit slightly differently. 

The latest thing that I've been trying/testing is the Alias by Neomag, which is a bracket that goes on your belt in the place of the plastic clips.  It provides a more solid attachment without or less pivoting and up/down movement.  Both are helpful with certain methods of draw, but that's a whole other topic. 

Prior to the holsters I mentioned above, I used a holster from G-Code that was with HSP.  I've since gave that one away to a friend.  I still have an OWB holster and mag pouches from Raven Concealment.


Re: CCW Holsters - Experiences & Recommendations
« Reply #1 on: December 05, 2022, 12:59:54 PM »
I find that "claws" on IWB help keep the bottom part of the pistols grip more toward your body. Thus reducing it from sticking out and printing.

With that being said, there are all diff types of bodies out there.  So it's about trial and error that works best for you (fat, skinny, short, tall, male, female, etc...)

For a spare mag, instead of another kydex type product IWB or on my hip, I used an elastic band which allowed the mag to be held horizontally, instead of vertically. See pic below.  Down side is the band wears out much quicker than a kydex type mag holder. Pro is that it helps when bending as it doesn't dig into your stomach and is better concealed.

Then once you find the holster, it's about finding that "sweet spot" if you AIWB.  Sometimes just a 1/4 inch to the left or right makes a huge difference.

I am looking into the Alias by Neomag once CCW's are issued on Oahu.  This would be for polo shirt tucked into slacks and AIWB.  I have a neomag clip for mags, but don't use it. I don't like the clip showing on my pockets.  Same reason why my folding knife isn't clipped to my pocket, but instead in my pocket.


Re: CCW Holsters - Experiences & Recommendations
« Reply #2 on: December 05, 2022, 01:10:34 PM »

For a spare mag, instead of another kydex type product IWB or on my hip, I used an elastic band which allowed the mag to be held horizontally, instead of vertically. See pic below.  Down side is the band wears out much quicker than a kydex type mag holder. Pro is that it helps when bending as it doesn't dig into your stomach and is better concealed.

Are the rounds facing down and opening/top of the mag facing forward?  The pic seems mirrored, but seems like that is how you have your spare mag oriented. 


Re: CCW Holsters - Experiences & Recommendations
« Reply #3 on: December 05, 2022, 01:14:01 PM »
Are the rounds facing down and opening/top of the mag facing forward?  The pic seems mirrored, but seems like that is how you have your spare mag oriented.

Rounds down and bullets toward the boto.  But now I carry my Shield Plus which has a sidecar.  So I haven't used this mag carrying for 2 trips to Vegas now.  I plan to carry the Shield going forward.


Re: CCW Holsters - Experiences & Recommendations
« Reply #4 on: December 07, 2022, 08:50:12 AM »
I've also been looking more into PHLster system. Although not a holster, but related.


Re: CCW Holsters - Experiences & Recommendations
« Reply #5 on: December 07, 2022, 08:58:07 AM »
I've also been looking more into PHLster system. Although not a holster, but related.
The Enigma?  "go check 'um, go check 'um, go"

Try and let us know what you think?  I haven't looked into them that much.  The "method" that I've been trying, training, etc is the "stab" on the draw.  Where a more rigid belt or overall "suspension" system helpds.  The Enigma seems more form accommodating, but also quite flexible. 


Re: CCW Holsters - Experiences & Recommendations
« Reply #6 on: December 07, 2022, 09:05:29 AM »
The Enigma?  "go check 'um, go check 'um, go"

Try and let us know what you think?  I haven't looked into them that much.  The "method" that I've been trying, training, etc is the "stab" on the draw.  Where a more rigid belt or overall "suspension" system helpds.  The Enigma seems more form accommodating, but also quite flexible.

I was looking for something while beltless. So gym shorts.  But my T1C metal clips hold well and the weight doesn't bring the pants down because I tuck it also inside my boxer briefs elastic band.

What I'm starting to look into is how to carry while working out.  Because while at the gym, I cannot leave my gun in my gym bag that is next to me on the floor (illegal).  And with the type of workout I do, holstering IWB is not a safe option. Maybe fanny pack around the waist or chest might be an option, but that would impede for squats.  I gotta figure it  out.  Luckily, HPD can just place their fanny packs on the floor next to them. I see this all the time at the gym. Even seen a Sheriff once come with full duty belt and put it in the locker with a shitty master lock spinning combo on it. So his gun was in the locker.

FB has a group about stuff like this PHLSter Concealment. Not only related to their set up, but all CCW inquires.  I seen 1 vid from there of a guy squatting, but he aint lifting no "heavy ass weights". YEAHHHH BUDDDYYYY. LIGHT WEIGHT BABY. AINT NUTHIN BUT A PEANUT.


Re: CCW Holsters - Experiences & Recommendations
« Reply #7 on: December 07, 2022, 09:16:13 AM »
NeoMag has one that you clip onto your pants.  T1C does as well.  I have that clip for my 43x, but haven't really tested it.  The NeoMag one has videos where folks use with gym shorts, but that's seems super flimsy. 


Re: CCW Holsters - Experiences & Recommendations
« Reply #8 on: December 07, 2022, 09:20:12 AM »
NeoMag has one that you clip onto your pants.  T1C does as well.  I have that clip for my 43x, but haven't really tested it.  The NeoMag one has videos where folks use with gym shorts, but that's seems super flimsy.

U talking about the ULTI clips?  I got 1 for my Taser holster, but their clip from We The People Holsters is very good and I didn't need it.


Re: CCW Holsters - Experiences & Recommendations
« Reply #9 on: March 25, 2024, 07:58:34 AM »
Revisiting this old thread.  Changed up CCW lineup, so revisting holsters.  Trying different brands as well as sticking with NeoMag Alias vs going with belt clips.  Overall still like the Alias system, but it's a PITA to string through some of my shorts or pants.  There are newer belts available that may help solve that.  Did more testing with the UltiClip, and while I still like it, I think there are better options.  I currently have the UltiClips on one holster for my 43x. 

Been shooting with a few folks new(er/ish) to CCW and noticing and learning a lot from their journey in CCW.  There's always personal preference for things, but important to try for yourself.  Comfort, what you'll be doing, does it make simple tasks cumbersome, etc.  I spent a lot of money on a variety of holsters, so if you shoot Glock 17, 19 (or the 40 cal variety) and 43/48, I have holsters folks can try. 

Will also be trying more belts.  I still like Kore, but want to try Hunter Constantine and another (can't think of the name right now). 


Re: CCW Holsters - Experiences & Recommendations
« Reply #10 on: March 25, 2024, 09:38:45 AM »
Carried for a year b4 my CCW expired. Waiting on the new 4 year one.

I'm not a fan of the NeoMag Alias as it does take more effort to don and doff.  But to be fair, I only use it when wearing polo shirt tucked into slacks.  And where the belt buckle is, pants loops, and body frame, there isn't much adjustment for me that can be made (left to right). Compared to the standard plastic clips that came with my T1C w/sidecar.

I do like the Engima that I use when ever not wearing a belt.  And have recently gone to fanny pack carry due to having a baby.  this causes me to have to raise my hands, bend, and be in all sort of various positions.  I don't want to have to worry about printing or unintentionally showing my firearm due to my shirt lifting up.  I do use my Neomag Alias on it because I already have it. And many holsters that come with a velcro backing, don't have the ability to adjust the retention. Which means as the leather wears, you have to buy a new holster.  So I use the velcro system from Neomag  (Hook and loop).

Overall, I'm happy with my set up after all the trial and error.  I kept the saying "buy once, cry once" in mind.


Re: CCW Holsters - Experiences & Recommendations
« Reply #11 on: March 25, 2024, 10:29:37 AM »
Carried for a year b4 my CCW expired. Waiting on the new 4 year one.

I'm not a fan of the NeoMag Alias as it does take more effort to don and doff.  But to be fair, I only use it when wearing polo shirt tucked into slacks.  And where the belt buckle is, pants loops, and body frame, there isn't much adjustment for me that can be made (left to right). Compared to the standard plastic clips that came with my T1C w/sidecar.

I do like the Engima that I use when ever not wearing a belt.  And have recently gone to fanny pack carry due to having a baby.  this causes me to have to raise my hands, bend, and be in all sort of various positions.  I don't want to have to worry about printing or unintentionally showing my firearm due to my shirt lifting up.  I do use my Neomag Alias on it because I already have it. And many holsters that come with a velcro backing, don't have the ability to adjust the retention. Which means as the leather wears, you have to buy a new holster.  So I use the velcro system from Neomag  (Hook and loop).

Overall, I'm happy with my set up after all the trial and error.  I kept the saying "buy once, cry once" in mind.
Yeah, I'm not sold on the Alias.  It does have definite benefits and the stringing issue is only with a couple of shorts.  I have the same holster (sometimes multiple brands) with belt clips.  I typically prefer to pick one way and stick with it, but I haven't noticed trouble with draw between the various holsters.  Main thing is consistent placement left/right, which for me is the RDS about C/L. 

Seeing fanny pack as very common preference/methods.  From a training perspective, just need to be wary of "flat/square" range considerations of folks training with you.  Similar to folks who prefer shoulder holsters.


Re: CCW Holsters - Experiences & Recommendations
« Reply #12 on: March 25, 2024, 10:39:30 AM »
I started selling concealment rigs to police and sheriffs about 30 years ago.
In Hawaii weather a fanny pack holster goes with the local t shirt and shorts naturally.
You just have to be more conscious of your actions.
If you're not focused and aware, you will get somebody hurt.

What, Me Worry?


Re: CCW Holsters - Experiences & Recommendations
« Reply #13 on: March 26, 2024, 08:51:34 AM »
Ordered two more holsters for my 43x.  A Tier 1 (T1-M) minimalist type holster that I will probably use with Alias, and ANR that will use with the belt clip.  Had been mostly concentrating on G19 and G17 setups, but going to be shooting the 43x more over the next many months. 


Re: CCW Holsters - Experiences & Recommendations
« Reply #14 on: March 26, 2024, 06:15:35 PM »
Ordered two more holsters for my 43x.  A Tier 1 (T1-M) minimalist type holster that I will probably use with Alias, and ANR that will use with the belt clip.  Had been mostly concentrating on G19 and G17 setups, but going to be shooting the 43x more over the next many months.
Do u have alias for all the needed set ups, or so u unscrew and attach everytime?

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Re: CCW Holsters - Experiences & Recommendations
« Reply #15 on: March 26, 2024, 06:26:10 PM »
Do u have alias for all the needed set ups, or so u unscrew and attach everytime?

Sent from my SM-G991U using Tapatalk
I currently have multiple holsters for same gun, some with Alias clips, some regular belt clip. Have one holster the UltiClip.

For belt, currently only one with the receiver. But thinking about another belt, maybe with receiver.  I have at least two dedicated CCW belts without Alias receiver. 

I have spares of both clips and receivers, since I got in on a really good sale. And wasn’t sure which combinations I wanted.


Re: CCW Holsters - Experiences & Recommendations
« Reply #16 on: April 15, 2024, 08:36:50 AM »
The holsters from T1 and ANR came in for the 43x.  Did some test fitting and the ANR's retention is tighter than I like, but seems like it's a function of fitting of the mold on certain points vice the level of clamping.  Will see if I notice during testing, but I'm guessing not.  Have some range days coming up and will likely shoot the qual again with these new holsters.  The ride height adjustment range is about the same, but slight differences on how they end up "sitting".  That's mostly a function of the various attachment methods.  Don't think it will be a big deal, but want/need to verify.