Received my Trijicon RCR late last week. I've been waiting for this RDS for over a year now, and seems like they are finally coming back in stock in a few online vendors. I will soon have a Glock 17.5 milled for the RCR, so it will be a while until I get to shoot the new setup.
As posted in other threads on pistol RDS, I am very much a fan of enclosed emitter RDS. I still own a few open emitter RDS (RMR, SRO, and am going to try the CHPWS Comp). However, I've been mostly shooting my pistols with enclosed emitter RDS in training and competition. I shoot both the ACRO and EPS in pistol matches regularly, and have the EPS and EPS Carry on CCW pistols. I qualified previously with a 19.3 with RMR, but I have since sold that setup.
Initial impressions are that the RDS is quite compact. The window is slightly smaller than the EPS, both height and width. The window is wider than ACRO P2, but ACRO is much taller. Compared with the RMR Type 2, it’s about the same size and shape, including the rounded top portion of the window. However, window size overall doesn't matter that much to me when shooting, and don't really notice it. However, something I noticed upon quick inspection and many folks notice when comparing optics.
Another common observation of the Trijicon optics is the tint of the window. It has a slight blue hue, similar to RMR, but it doesn’t bother me. I have only looked through the RCR inside my condo and was trying to notice and distortion or slight magnification at say 7-10 yards and didn’t notice anything, or at least anything very different than the EPS or ACRO.