1. I do think it matters because if it goes up for appeal and the appeals court reverses it then Biden never has to play the pardon car.
2. Since I think Biden isn't planning on going all the way I don't think he cares if it is a win. Even if he is planning to go all the way, he can always just pardon him after the election then it doesn't hurt huis campaign.
3. Pardons then drops out makes it worse? I don't really see how it makes things worse for Biden or his family. Do you mean worse for the country?
4. A shining example? No but having Hunter get convicted is what I would expect from a functioning justice system. Presidents have the legal power to pardon, that isn't rigging anything. Presidents have pardoned friends and associates before. Pardoning Hunter only helps Hunter substantially if Hunter were sentenced to jail. Being pardoned wont change that he is a convicted felon.
5. From the commentary I have heard on this case it would be unusual for him not to get any jail time but it is also unusual to charge someone for these specific crimes by themselves so arguments can be made both ways in terms of whether Hunter is getting it better or worse than the average person.
1) I didn't say it didn't matter. I was focusing/commenting on Biden and his Admin's reaction.
2) Again, whether or not Biden continues running is not relevant to his actions/choices in the next few months, particularly from a 2a perspective, which again is why I posted here.
3) Yeah, pardoning his son makes it worse for his family. [end sarcasm\] Again, thinking from a 2a hypocrisy perspective. In this case, I do think it's a damned if he does, damned if he doesn't situation.
4) Yes, yes, yes. I understand that Presidents have the legal power to pardon. Just because he can, you think that makes it right?
5) Clarification on my original response. I suspect Hunter will NOT face any legal consequences. I don't think he will get jail time, pardon or not.