Thanks, 2aHawaii and Foxen,
I live on Oahu, so will go to HPD.
So I don't plan to buy or purchase any other rifle or gun, I just want to register or transfer the one from my dad.
I think I'm the Executor of the Estate since I'm the only child and everything went to me in his will. Do I need to show the will to HPD, or death certificate?
Step one... get your longarm permit from HPD.
Step two... call HPD's firearm division and ask them if the gun was previously registered to your father. Provide father's name (legal name), maybe birthdate, SSN, and the gun's make, model, and serial number.
Step three... draft a notorized letter (it's easy), and make copies of your father's will, death certificate, and possibly obituary from a newspaper (the last is to show that you are his successor)...
For the notorized note, well, I can help you with something later... the more I look at it the more complex it's getting... it probably does not need to be SO complex but my mind is all twisted these days. It's basically a short letter stating that you, as the executor, am transfering the firearm, in accordance to the will of your father, to his heir, yourself... and you have a signature, printed name, and date for the executor (you), for the tranferee (you), and a section for the notary public (signature, printed name, title: Notary Public, State of Hawaii, and a My commission expires:_____). If all is good, get it notarize (bank is good, usually charges like less than $5 if you are a member there, or$5 at the USPS store or etc. Call ahead...there are TONS of Notary Publics around...but I'd go with bank first. Bring your picture ID.
Step four... with the notarized letter, the copies of the will, dc, and obit, the firearm in a gun case or box, head to HPD and register the firearm. Same place where you get your longarm permit.
Hopefully the firearm is actually your dad's and is either already registered under his name or it's not in the system. Otherwise you may have problems like if it's under someone else's name...
Other than that... shouldn't be a problem. Anyhow, if you want more help, PM me your e-mail or something, and I can try help you out. This gets my feet wet in learning all this stuff...and I don't mind doing it.