Getting and registering a gun in Hawaii (Read 384361 times)


Re: Getting and registering a gun in Hawaii
« Reply #40 on: February 22, 2011, 08:14:44 PM »
Doesn't Hawaii county have an odd thing with permits? Thought you can only buy on a permit in the district you live in, and that's the only place you can get a permit. Or am I off base here?

What rifles are you looking for? Also, first firearm or experienced?


Re: Getting and registering a gun in Hawaii
« Reply #41 on: February 24, 2011, 05:21:32 PM »
Aloha Everyone,

I'm new to the forum, and am thinking about acquiring my first firearms as well.  I just wanted to get some things clarified.

1.  According to an earlier post, I can still get a Permit to Acquire even if I don't have a doctor?

2.  I plan on buying 2 rifles, one on Oahu for now and one on the Big Island later for when I go back home for vacation.  For now I only know which rifle I will be getting on Oahu, but haven't made up my mind for the other.  When initially applying for the permit do you need to provide information for all rifles you plan on acquiring?


Pretty sure your permit is only good here, you would have to get another permit on the BI imo.
Check out the Hawaii Defense Foundation.
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Re: Getting and registering a gun in Hawaii
« Reply #42 on: February 24, 2011, 07:48:51 PM »
^^ on #1  ^^

If I'm not mistaken I do not think you need a doctor.  I think, I've heard that, if you do not have a doctor just tell them, and it is done with.  Do not lie about it though, if you have one on the BI (or wherever) then list that one.  You will need the doctor's office address and phone number.  They do call and verify; what questions they ask the doc, I do not know.

If they catch you lying about these kinds of things, then that's a good excuse for them to take away your rights!
Not  saying that you are, but just saying.. ;D

This is just what I've heard, so please take it with a grain of salt.  Best to call up the firearms section and ask about it first.  I would hate you to have to make the trip down there, in traffic, pay parking, and wait in line, only for them to tell you, 'you don't have all your ducks in a row'.

Hopefully, if enough of 'us' get things together we can dispense with all this red tape BS.  Then our rights will be restored!
Good Luck! :shaka:


Re: Getting and registering a gun in Hawaii
« Reply #43 on: February 25, 2011, 12:50:51 AM »
If you don't have a doctor one is not required.

Technically, if your doctor did disclose information, you could sue his ass if he disclosed without a warrant or authorization waiver.
Check out the Hawaii Defense Foundation.
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Defender of the Accused in Arkansas Courts
Posts are not legal advice & are my own, unless said so.


Re: Getting and registering a gun in Hawaii
« Reply #44 on: August 25, 2011, 07:36:38 PM »
I have a few questions concerning bringing firearms in from out of state for registration.

1. Do i have to bring in my firearms to the main department down in Honolulu or can i just take it into my local station in Hawaii Kai?

2. Will the HPD start freaking out about my rifles with folding stocks and try to confiscate them from me?


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Re: Getting and registering a gun in Hawaii
« Reply #45 on: August 25, 2011, 08:22:11 PM »
Hey Aegis,

All registration has to be done at the main police station's firearms registration office. As for the folding stocks, you will be okay as long as it's not an SBR.
I am not a lawyer.

"A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed." - United States Constitution Amendment 2 & Hawaii State Constitution Article 1 Section 17

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Re: Getting and registering a gun in Hawaii
« Reply #46 on: August 25, 2011, 08:54:14 PM »
All right thanks for the quick response. bummer about having to go all the way into town for that registration but at least my girls will be accepted back in the islands.


Re: Getting and registering a gun in Hawaii
« Reply #47 on: August 25, 2011, 09:04:11 PM »
Hey Aegis,

All registration has to be done at the main police station's firearms registration office. As for the folding stocks, you will be okay as long as it's not an SBR.

I have rifles with folding stocks. Just make sure they meet HWI requirements....even if the requirements suck.
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crazy cat

Re: Getting and registering a gun in Hawaii
« Reply #48 on: August 28, 2011, 04:53:40 PM »
At least parking is free on the Big Island.


Re: Getting and registering a gun in Hawaii
« Reply #49 on: October 14, 2011, 01:14:37 PM »
Sorry I'm a total noobie.  Got a couple questions.

I want to register a long rifle, .22 caliber rifle that I got from my dad when he passed away.  I didn't have too much contact with him, so I got it when I was cleaning up his room.  Anyways, I don't know if this thing is even registered in his name or anything.

So I figured first step is to get a permit to acquire. 
But, I'm confused about this part, regarding instructions for permit to acquire:   "8. Hunters education card or a handgun safety training course affidavit. (Handguns only)"

So do I need to sign up for the hunters education class? Or is this just needed to register handguns, which I don't have any.  Oh, I'm not military either. 

Thanks for the help.


Re: Getting and registering a gun in Hawaii
« Reply #50 on: October 14, 2011, 01:24:19 PM »
At least parking is free on the Big Island.

Its free here too if you don't put coins in the meters.... :thumbsup:
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Re: Getting and registering a gun in Hawaii
« Reply #51 on: October 14, 2011, 01:45:54 PM »
Sorry I'm a total noobie.  Got a couple questions.

I want to register a long rifle, .22 caliber rifle that I got from my dad when he passed away.  I didn't have too much contact with him, so I got it when I was cleaning up his room.  Anyways, I don't know if this thing is even registered in his name or anything.

So I figured first step is to get a permit to acquire. 
But, I'm confused about this part, regarding instructions for permit to acquire:   "8. Hunters education card or a handgun safety training course affidavit. (Handguns only)"

So do I need to sign up for the hunters education class? Or is this just needed to register handguns, which I don't have any.  Oh, I'm not military either. 

Thanks for the help.

Hi gottasurf, welcome to the forums.

It sounds like you are in quite a predicament. I am a little fuzzy on the in-between steps but you won't need a permit to acquire the rifle as long as the gun became yours on his death. I'm not exactly sure how you will need to show that he died and that you inherited the rifle, but I do believe that will need to be shown to register it. Maybe some of the others here know some more information and can help fill in the blanks.

If you wish to acquire more firearms in the future, a permit to acquire will be required for that. The hunters ed or handgun safety class will only be needed if you want to acquire a handgun.

I hope that helps a little.
I am not a lawyer.

"A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed." - United States Constitution Amendment 2 & Hawaii State Constitution Article 1 Section 17

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Re: Getting and registering a gun in Hawaii
« Reply #52 on: October 14, 2011, 01:54:20 PM »
Sorry I'm a total noobie.  Got a couple questions.

I want to register a long rifle, .22 caliber rifle that I got from my dad when he passed away.  I didn't have too much contact with him, so I got it when I was cleaning up his room.  Anyways, I don't know if this thing is even registered in his name or anything.

So I figured first step is to get a permit to acquire. 
But, I'm confused about this part, regarding instructions for permit to acquire:   "8. Hunters education card or a handgun safety training course affidavit. (Handguns only)"

So do I need to sign up for the hunters education class? Or is this just needed to register handguns, which I don't have any.  Oh, I'm not military either. 

Thanks for the help.

I'm a near total noob myself...and I just went through a similar process...

HPD/Our State treats Long Arms and Handguns differently...

For longarms you need a "Permit to Acquire" Long Arms, which is like $19.25 or something and HPD wants cash exact change usually.  The permit lasts you for one year and you can acquire "as many" long arms as you want with that one permit.  If you're on Oahu, go down to HPD... park either in front (metered on Beretania) or in back (metered but more expensive meter)... when you walk up, TURN RIGHT (before the metal detectors, it's like right outside) and there's an office there for Firearms.  Once you get past the door, there's a smaller room in the back...just wait in line until you are called.  They'll take care of you from there.  All you need is your Driver's license or something.  They will ask about your hospital and your insurance for the mental check etc. and they'll run background on you and fingerprint you.  They should have your Longarm permit ready in two just go by and pick it up.

As long as you are 21 or over and have your ID, you can get the Longarm Permit.  You don't need to take a firearm's safety class to get that Longarm Permit.

If you wish to purchase a handgun, that's when you need to take the safety class.  And you need to get a permit PER handgun...

Now as to your father's rifle...

First, although I can't find it on the HPD site but I know it's out there... if your father acquired the .22 rifle BEFORE 1994 (or something like that) before mandatory registration was necessary, it's legal, just an unregistered firearm.  I recently purchased a .22 rifle from a guy who said something to the effect that the gun wasn't registered and if I "wanted to" I could register it with HPD... he then wrote down his info for HPD.  I was almost tempted to not register it but by the law, since I am acquiring the firearm AFTER 1994, I should register it...and hence I did with no problems.  Again, It's in the books somewhere, and I read it recently, just can't find it on the fly...  and this exception does NOT apply to handguns I think.

HPD Faqs page about transfering firearms from deceased.

How can I obtain a firearm from someone who is deceased?

If the person wanting to acquire the firearm(s) is a family member, obtain a notarized statement from the Executor of the estate transferring the firearms to that next of kin, immediate family members only. 

If the person acquiring the firearm(s) is not an immediate family member, the Executor of the estate will need to obtain permits for themselves first, then transfer the firearms in their own name.  Once that is accomplished, the Executor can then transfer the firearm(s) to another party. 

Or, the transfer will need to go through a firearms dealer.

Anyhow, hope this helps.  Let me know if you need help with the executor and the statement etc.


Re: Getting and registering a gun in Hawaii
« Reply #53 on: October 17, 2011, 11:39:38 PM »
Thanks, 2aHawaii and Foxen,

I live on Oahu, so will go to HPD.

So I don't plan to buy or purchase any other rifle or gun, I just want to register or transfer the one from my dad. 

I think I'm the Executor of the Estate since I'm the only child and everything went to me in his will.  Do I need to show the will to HPD, or death certificate?



Re: Getting and registering a gun in Hawaii
« Reply #54 on: October 18, 2011, 12:35:53 PM »
Thanks, 2aHawaii and Foxen,

I live on Oahu, so will go to HPD.

So I don't plan to buy or purchase any other rifle or gun, I just want to register or transfer the one from my dad. 

I think I'm the Executor of the Estate since I'm the only child and everything went to me in his will.  Do I need to show the will to HPD, or death certificate?


Step one... get your longarm permit from HPD.

Step two... call HPD's firearm division and ask them if the gun was previously registered to your father.  Provide father's name (legal name), maybe birthdate, SSN, and the gun's make, model, and serial number. 

Step three... draft a notorized letter (it's easy), and make copies of your father's will, death certificate, and possibly obituary from a newspaper (the last is to show that you are his successor)...

For the notorized note, well, I can help you with something later... the more I look at it the more complex it's getting... it probably does not need to be SO complex but my mind is all twisted these days.  It's basically a short letter stating that you, as the executor, am transfering the firearm, in accordance to the will of your father, to his heir, yourself... and you have a signature, printed name, and date for the executor (you), for the tranferee (you), and a section for the notary public (signature, printed name, title: Notary Public, State of Hawaii, and a My commission expires:_____).  If all is good, get it notarize (bank is good, usually charges like less than $5 if you are a member there, or$5 at the USPS store or etc.  Call ahead...there are TONS of Notary Publics around...but I'd go with bank first.  Bring your picture ID.

Step four... with the notarized letter, the copies of the will, dc, and obit, the firearm in a gun case or box, head to HPD and register the firearm.  Same place where you get your longarm permit. 

Hopefully the firearm is actually your dad's and is either already registered under his name or it's not in the system.  Otherwise you may have problems like if it's under someone else's name...

Other than that... shouldn't be a problem.  Anyhow, if you want more help, PM me your e-mail or something, and I can try help you out.  This gets my feet wet in learning all this stuff...and I don't mind doing it.


Re: Getting and registering a gun in Hawaii
« Reply #55 on: November 14, 2011, 07:10:29 PM »
Hi new here to forum but jus double checking hours for the firearms unit for registering a long rifle. Is it still M-F? I'm looking to go next week monday (21 nov). HPD's website isn't the friendliest on hours of operation.

Thank again.


Re: Getting and registering a gun in Hawaii
« Reply #56 on: November 14, 2011, 10:04:36 PM »
Hi new here to forum but jus double checking hours for the firearms unit for registering a long rifle. Is it still M-F? I'm looking to go next week monday (21 nov). HPD's website isn't the friendliest on hours of operation.

Thank again.

I think it's M-F 8-430, but there's a number you can call if you look here.


Re: Getting and registering a gun in Hawaii
« Reply #57 on: November 14, 2011, 10:07:19 PM »
Hi new here to forum but jus double checking hours for the firearms unit for registering a long rifle. Is it still M-F? I'm looking to go next week monday (21 nov). HPD's website isn't the friendliest on hours of operation.

Thank again.

I think it's M-F 8-430, but there's a number you can call if you look here.

Thanks.. that was my next step tomorrow is to give HPD a call but thought I'd ask since i was searching tonight before calling tomorrow.

Thanks again.


Re: Getting and registering a gun in Hawaii
« Reply #58 on: December 19, 2011, 10:51:54 PM »
Hi, new to the forums

Quick question, someone told me that if I buy a handgun from a gun friendly state in the mainland like Texas that I don't need to go to the safety course when I come back to Hawaii.  I just need to register the handgun within 72 hours.  Is this true?  Thanks again!


Re: Getting and registering a gun in Hawaii
« Reply #59 on: December 19, 2011, 11:26:15 PM »
Hi, new to the forums

Quick question, someone told me that if I buy a handgun from a gun friendly state in the mainland like Texas that I don't need to go to the safety course when I come back to Hawaii.  I just need to register the handgun within 72 hours.  Is this true?  Thanks again!

Yes true.