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When you ban things, the problem does not go away.

Think fireworks.  When they banned firecrackers and ground sparklers and such, the aerials became a problem.

Let's all just live and let live.

And kill each other when appropriate.

Also why is law enforcement exempt from this?

Especially since there seems to be a propensity for law enforcement to either misplace or get their firearms stolen lately.
Yea this bill doesn't make sense even through their eyes.

I don't see how restricting the transportation of firing pins and stuff helps with public safety.
Legal and Activism / Re: ***FIRE MISSION***HB 125 DUE BEFORE 2/5/25 AT 2PM SAFE STORAGE
« Last post by Begle1 on February 05, 2025, 10:02:41 PM »

Also why is law enforcement exempt from this?

There's the angle I wish I saw before now. Absolute indefensible lunacy for law enforcement to be exempt from this.
Legal and Activism / Re: ***FIRE MISSION HB392 DUE BEFORE 2/5/25 AT 2PM. (gHOST GUNS)
« Last post by zippz on February 05, 2025, 09:58:03 PM »
Be careful with the testimony as it mainly deals with enhanced sentencing on felony crimes where a "ghost gun" was possessed to combat the rising violent crime.  There are things to oppose like ban on possession by law abiding people.

The issue I bring up is this is an embarrassing bill to be presented.  Felons can already receive maximum prison sentences.  Murder can be a lifetime sentance and they don't have to be granted parole.  This highlights the big problems in the justice system.
Political Discussion / sound familiar?
« Last post by ren on February 05, 2025, 09:45:22 PM »
ala "Jan 6th"? sounds like the Dems are trying to start something....

"Shut down the city! We are at war!" U.S. Rep. LaMonica McIver, D-N.J., shouted into a microphone as supporters cheered during a rally hosted by the MoveOn Civic Action, Indivisible and the Working Families Party.

Jeffries, who stated in April that "threatening political violence is not a sign of strength" but rather an "indication of weakness and insecurity" and noted in September that "political violence has no place in a democratic society," told reporters that when it comes to the Trump agenda, "We are going to fight it legislatively, we are going to fight it in the courts, and we're going to fight it in the streets."

The House minority leader was met with immediate backlash over his remarks.
Legal and Activism / Re: ***FIRE MISSION HB392 DUE BEFORE 2/5/25 AT 2PM. (gHOST GUNS)
« Last post by rpoL98 on February 05, 2025, 09:44:16 PM »
... imprinted with a serial number registered with a federally licensed manufacturer.

so years back, the folks that went and put serial numbers on their frames/receivers and in good faith, went down and registered them with HPD, now they're sh!t-out-of-luck because it's not the right flavor of serial number?


and HPD knows exactly where they are.  registration >>> confiscation.  "just following orders"

yup, we know how that works.

Legal and Activism / Re: ***FIRE MISSION***HB 125 DUE BEFORE 2/5/25 AT 2PM SAFE STORAGE
« Last post by zippz on February 05, 2025, 09:32:37 PM »
A responsible gun owner should take some precautions to prevent kids from access and theft of their firearms.  There are quick access safes that are pretty good nowadays.  So be careful how you say things or you would sound like an extremist or out of touch. And acknowledge thieves steal guns.

The problem is:
1.  It's common for burglers to pry or cut open safes to steal guns.  Even steal large heavy safes with guns inside.  Small lockboxes and trigger locks won'd do anything.
2.  Good safes and quick access safes cost money.  If government wants us to use em, they should pay for it.
3.  Putting the blame and punishments on the victims of the crime, the gunowners who got their stuff stolen.  The focus should be solely on the arrest, prosecution, and punishment of the criminal.
4.  Gun owners are being unfairly targeted, there are a lot of other items that kill and injure people like kitchen knives.

Also why is law enforcement exempt from this?

Heller said its unconstitutional to not have immediate access to ur gun (locked in a safe).

The office of public defender confirmed my post.

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...struck down the portion of the Act that requires all firearms
including rifles and shotguns be kept "unloaded and disassembled
or bound by a trigger lock".

I don't think what the Heller decision said included what you said about being locked in a safe. Specifically, SCOTUS said:
... the requirement that any lawful firearm in the home be
disassembled or bound by a trigger lock makes it impossible
for citizens to use arms for the core lawful purpose of self-defense
and is hence unconstitutional.

By writing the law to require a lock box, safe or trigger lock provides alternatives to the DC law that was struck down.

In a nutshell, Heller said it's unconstitutional to render legal firearms nonfunctional (unloaded, disassembled or trigger-locked).  They never said it was unconstitutional to require firearms to be safely stored.

The difference is the Heller decision recognized the DC law did not include a self-defense exception, whereas with other safe storage options, there is an implied exception for self-defense -- i.e. you can't use a firearm for SD unless you remove it from a safe or lock box.
Political Discussion / Re: HNN finds criminals "fascinating"
« Last post by changemyoil66 on February 05, 2025, 09:11:18 PM »
You wouldn't because you love to argue. Why is the sky blue?
"If" the sky isnt blue then blah, blah, move goal post. Followed by (enter deflection). Finally, made up bad example.

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