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Topics - GPAGAP

Pages: [1]
General Discussion / Open Carrier Robbed of His Gun in Virginia
« on: February 03, 2016, 09:24:21 AM »

I support the right to open carry, on principal, but I think it's a poor idea if you're attempting to mitigate risk. It's even worse if you're going to carry in a holster with no retention devices.

General Discussion / Kokohead 5/26
« on: May 23, 2012, 08:01:08 PM »
Does anyone know if there are matches or other activity in the ewa / combat bay side of the range this Saturday 5/26?
None of the clubs MPPL / Rhat / HPS have matches on the schedule.

I know this Sunday 5/27 has LIFE and SASS, but how about Saturday?
Competition / Rhat Rhat Boyz Match 13-14 Nov
« on: November 12, 2010, 01:00:25 PM »
Anybody going to either of the matches this weekend? I'm planning on Sat.

I don't have a contact for the club, but I'm wondering if there is going to be a long gun sidematch?

Here is the new website for the club. It's a bit sparse still.
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