Nope. GOP Didn’t Lose Midterms Because Mail-In Ballots Are Better Than In-Person Voting – The GOP Lo (Read 703 times)


Democrats regularly engage in criminal acts and they will continue to do so because they get away with it.
It’s really puzzling to see conservative pundits strike out so badly on the midterm elections.  This guy on TicToc summarizes it best.
Victor Davis Hanson is one of the sharpest guys on the block.  He is brilliant at times.  But he really missed this one.  He said a couple of days ago that the GOP should be voting with mail-in ballots.  Implying this is why they lost the midterms.  This is absolutely not the reason or the answer.
The Democrats cheat and manufacture ballots.  Americans (GOP) don’t want to cheat.  Democrats manufacture ballots using voting machines and absentee ballots.   These machines and mail-in ballots have to go.Molly Hemmingway also apparently believes that the Democrats won because they got more people to vote with mail-in ballots.  Hemmingway was also wrong in the thesis of her book on the 2020 Election, Rigged.  The 2020 Election wasn’t lost because Mark Zuckerberg spent more money on the election than any GOP contributor.  The 2020 Election was lost because the Democrats cheat and steal elections.  We’ve recorded numerous instances of election and voter fraud at The Gateway Pundit over the past few years to support this.
The 2020 Election and now the midterms really need a professional group of auditors to dig in and identify the reasons for the massive fraud across the country.  We would find absentee ballots associated with individuals that aren’t even real.  We’ll also find the software used by the voting systems have multiple gaps that appear to be designed for fraud.  We’ve covered this over the past few years.
The US never should implement massive mail-in ballots and voting systems prone to election fraud but we have. 

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Deeds Not Words


The Las Vegas Raiders just lost by 5 but luckily they play in Clark County so they have another week to get their outstanding points in.

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Vote early and vote often.


LAS VEGAS, NV — As the nation continues to await the final results of last week's midterm elections, a local Democrat candidate pulled out a shocking victory in a narrow race, winning by only two rolling travel suitcases.

"The Republican candidate built a substantial lead on election night after being significantly ahead of his challenger in all of the polls," said election expert Chip Parvin. "Fascinatingly, though many of the other races in the state were called as soon as the Democrat candidates took the lead, this particular race remained hotly contested for days after the polls were closed."

Onlookers were stumped as to what exactly happened, but new vote tallies were reported this morning after several unmarked vans dropped off multiple bags at vote-counting sites in the middle of the night. In a statement shortly before the Associated Press and other major media outlets reported the final count, a representative for the county stated the Democrat had, in fact, won by only two roller bags.

"This only serves to further assure our citizens that our democratic process is entirely pure and incorruptible," said election supervisor Tom Servo. "It is our solemn duty to make sure that our elections are done transparently, with every single vote being counted, even if they come in several days after polls close and have no discernable way to determine their validity or where they came from."

At publishing time, county election workers were seen hurriedly filling out ballots ahead of time for the 2024 presidential election, which the county assured reporters is completely normal and in no way a violation of any election integrity ethics or existing laws.
“I ask you to judge me by the enemies I have made.”
                                                           Franklin D. Roosevelt


Some dingbat on CNN tossed out the insane idea that a Fetterman / Biden ticket in 2024 would be a winning combo!

OMFG!  Not sure who the more-brain-damaged ones are -- the candidates or the Democrat voters!
"How can you diagnose someone with an obsessive-compulsive disorder
and then act as though I had some choice about barging in?"
-- Melvin Udall



This is 1 downfall of the GOP. The DNC will harvest mail in ballots that also include going door to door to "help" people complete their ballots.

The RNC doesn't do this per Project Veritas expose.  Or at least there isn't a RNC volunteer wasn't on camera "helping strongly" the person complete their ballot.

So this means at the state level, like FL did, mail in ballots will have to be done away with.  But I don't see this happening especially since the DNC controls even the red states.  As in if we look at TX, all the major cities are blue: Houston, Dallas, San Antonio, Austin, etc...
