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Messages - Kalikikopa

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General Discussion / Re: when is it enough?!
« on: January 05, 2025, 07:13:44 PM »
I was being facetious paralleling the anti gun strategy of suing gun manufacturers. In the case of illegal fireworks in Hawaii it is proven year-after-year that laws simply do not work. Legislators on their high horses think they can legislate the people but when they realize they can't they'll resort to more extreme ways of controlling the population as we shall see in 2025.

Wakai expects numerous bills to be introduced in the upcoming legislative session to address the illegal fireworks issue, but said pursuing civil penalties versus criminal might be more effective.

“So maybe that’ll be the consequence. You do that out of your house, we’re going to seize your house,” said Wakai. “I think if there’s consequences for bad behavior, you’re going to see a diminishing of interest in fireworks.”

And there appears to be agreement that laws without enforcement are meaningless and need to change.

Although I wholeheartedly agree that laws with no enforcement don't work, our legislatures will be hellbent on creating new laws. As far as being facetious, I don't believe you need to be. If the ones that want to control us, can 't prevent us from having what we want, they have no other choice than to make sure we can't get what we want. IE: eliminate the product.  My point was wifh fireworks, as well as firearms, the people with either needs to be responsible, educated on the hazards, and understand the risk, and risk mitigation. Simply put, KNOW WHAT THE F&^k YOU ARE DEALING WITH!!  So many people only see the pretty colors and not realize that the power in it is the same and sometimes more than dynamite. If more people realize that they may treat is as dynamite and show it more respect. Not have it in a cardboard box, on the driveway while they are throwing sparks into the air. Wishful thinking I'm sure, but I can imagine better results than saying again" it's illegal" ,
Ok, so by your definition, whoever wins, even by just 1 vote, has a mandate? That's fine, I am just saying the significance of having 1.5% more votes should not be made to be bigger than it really is. On top of that, I wouldn't interpret this as inherently being pro-Trump because many of those voters could also just be anti-Harris. We can call it a red wave, I don't really care. Thats just a phrase to hype the story up. In the end it doesn't matter, the winner gets the gold metal, I just don't think the win is that significant when it is by a small margin.

Although I do understand your position on the mandate, I have to admit I feel differently, on a few things. The mandate, we are not talking about an election where everything is equal and one candidate got a few more votes. It was shown the media was SEVERLY biased. Trump was made out to be the worse human being in history, and Harris was made out to be the shining savior on the hill. she was also funded by someone , the fictional deep state maybe, so much so she amassed a war chest of over a BILLION dollars in a few short weeks. The debate was also very once sided. Even with all that , the voters, in the end, rejected the lifestyle they were told would be their new normal, and voted the person who would bring back the lifestyle they previously lost. It was not just a few votes. As was pointed out the electoral college was 58% to 42%. A blowout. The popular vote swing was not the 1.5% the republicans won by. It was more like 10%(sorry i don't have exact numbers) the difference of what the democrats usually win by, to what they lost by. That is a mandate. As far as Trump becoming president only for himself or his billionaire friends, he is better off without being president. Now as far as him playing loose with the laws, I may agree. I'd need to look at more facts, and not propaganda given by the same institutions that support the fictional deep state. Moving on to the deep state, government agencies have been weaponized against, American citizens, and political opponents in an effort remain, or to amass power. It was done under Obama, when he used the IRS to go after churches, revoking tax exempt status, while granting the exempt status to any liberal cause. Biden used the FBI, to cover his family's indiscretions, the CIA to go after citizens, and the DOJ to go after political opponents.  All that and it is not limited to just presidents, or people in office. It extends down through our courts, our current representatives, and even former office holders. To me that is the existence of a "deep state".
General Discussion / Re: when is it enough?!
« on: January 05, 2025, 01:20:34 PM »
they should go after the manufacturers of the fireworks in China
I have to disagree with this. Fireworks are legal in many places. The manufacturer should not be held responsible for the customer's using their product unsafely. That will lead to mass transit only as cars are used irresponsibly.  That being said, people need to realize that they are "playing " with explosives. They acquire enough to equal the explosive power of cases of dynamite, then treat it like a single firecracker. If a professional fireworks display that uses less than  half of what people acquire here, there are required to have explosive experts, secure containment, fire mitigation, and safety protocols in place. Here, we replace all that with alcohol. The youtube videos of new years here, shows there is obviously no enforcement, either on the day of celebration, or in the policing of importing explosives, probably due to corruption. But we all remember the disaster when the bunker of confiscated fireworks killed someone. As much as we need more enforcement, more emphasis needs to be put on the fires, destruction, and the loss of life, in a way that emphasizes, the irresponsible, and dangerous way theyexplosives were handled.  Highlight how explosives are safely handled and precautions taken to prevent an incident like this. Chronical the lives lost, hurt, and forever changed by the reckless behavior of the people, and  how many people are doing the same thing, but being "luckier" than others.
Political Discussion / Re: What Trump Will Do If He Wins
« on: November 19, 2024, 12:09:48 PM »
Are you fearful of what Trump has told you he will do? Are you fearful he will terminate the Constitution as he promised?

Dan Coats a lifelong Republican and the Director of National Intelligence under Trump believes that Trump is a Russian asset and being blackmailed by Putin. Now Elon Musk has been meeting with Putin to discuss foreign policy if Trump wins. These are facts.

Check his resume:

and yet he had the Russian checks made out to the Bidens.
Political Discussion / Re: Trump has a chance to win Hawaii
« on: November 07, 2024, 12:25:48 PM »
There seem to be a lot more people getting “red pilled” and having “buyer’s remorse” after 4 years of the Biden/Harris administration. I’m expecting Trump will have more votes than 34%.

There is a strange dichotomy at work. a group of people are angry about Trump, but then complain about the higher taxes, and higher prices, the nanny state, and the feeling of more government control.

I quoted your whole post. Check again.

It doesn't matter how many states Kamala won or Trump won. Parties are private organizations and they can choose their candidate however they choose.

Why are you even complaining, were you actually going to vote democrat if it were a different candidate? Are you upset that they picked such a terrible candidate? You should be happy, picking her, I think, gave Trump the win.

Although I agree with you that anointing Harris to run did make Trump's odds better, it's about the destruction of our electoral system, and a reconfiguring from the democratically based system we have to a dictatorship. I can also add the hypocrisy of the party trying to destroy the democratic process blaming the other side for being a threat to democracy. A single figure behind the scenes, or an oligarchy decided Joe couldn't win, so they didn't pull him out of the race, they replaced him, effectively telling you that your votes went to Harris. First, that same person/machine, kept any threats, such as RFK , off the ballot, so Joe could win. Tampering with the system to select a candidate. Then they removed Joe, and anointed Harris to the position. Clearly the way a dictatorship does. Whether I vote for her or not, does not change the fact that these types of shenanigans are a threat to out democracy, so anyone that cares for it would feel the need to fight against it. To me, to hear you say" why are you even complaining" tells me you don't care about the Republic, or its electoral system, and more so speaks of your commitment to a moral center. To effectively say " why do you care if they cheat, if it hurts them?", is an admission that you don't care for truth and honesty. Just me opinion.
This is the way it was and should be. :shaka:

Very hard to commit fraud and cheat.  Which is why it no longer exists.  Screw all the democrats who claim this old way suppresses certain demographics from voting.

The demographic they are talking about is just plain lazy with a serious problem of self entitlement.

I think that is what i have an issue with. I would assume both sides should be doing everything they can to make the elections impossible to cheat. To alleviate any implication of fraud. To PROVE that their candidate is the better candidate. Anything less just looks like you know you need to cheat to win. That is why ask what is wrong with how we did it before? We have a fair election, and a quick initial result, and the ability to prove the validity of all the votes.
General Discussion / Re: Why 44 mag isn’t significantly better than 9mm
« on: October 31, 2024, 10:57:25 AM »
I think " significantly better" is subjective. What is it better at? If you want to dispense of someone, both are effective and will accomplish the goal equally. If you want that person to crap themselves first, then the 6" barrel 44 mag revolver will be significantly better than the compact Glock 19.
Way back in my day, 2016, we used to go to the voting location that we were required to, by district. They had my information listed in a ledger, they proved my identification, gave me a paper ballot with a number they associated with my name. I voted then slid my ballot into a counting machine/vault. At the close of the polling place, the information was pulled from the machine to get a count of the vote by the 10pm news. The officials then had a couple months to hand count, and verify the validity of the vote. Then in January the electors voted in the President. I wasn't allowed to vote anywhere else, with a few exceptions where i could ask for a mail in ballot if i could not make it to my polling place on election day. My name would be removed from the ledger to insure I don't mail in, and in person vote. Nowadays fraud, or at least the ability, the lack of chain of command, and lack of a personal identification, make it impossible to secure the vote. We also now take a whole month to vote, and can't get a count for , what we have been told could be a month or more after election day, the vote. To those who support the latter system, what is wrong with the way it was done?
You left out that demographics also play a big role. If HI was pollled for Trump vs. Hyena, it would show up majority Hyena.  Same with gun polls to people who don't know what the 2A means or says. Honolulu's city cousnel's lawyer used a Star Bulletin poll to support their sensitive places brief.

I was travelling around the island the other day so i decided to do a " flag poll". According to that poll, Oahu is for Trump, results were 5 to 2. I understand some fear retribution if the show their support. The conclusion i came up with is the people in the Laie/kahuku area don't give a crap what you think.
Trump had 4 years to fix everything.   So that complaint has less meaning than people pretending the VP has all the day in Bidens policies.  Don't here people blaming Pence for Trump's policies. 

As for the border, Trump killed the border bill for politics. 

Kamala isn't perfect or even all that great,  but out of the only two options she is the lessor evil.   With the record early voting turnouts,  things are looking good for her chances to win.   

The Maga crowd is already spreading nonsense about election fraud.  Pathetic.
Have you noticed that when Harris is bitching about Trump killing the border bill, she never mentions it would have stopped, or even slowed illegal immigration? She touts it would add 1500 more border agents, but leaves out that they would need to let in 5000 a day before an intervention. Their job would've been to just "process" more illegal border crossers, then let them go in the United States. On top of that it would've made it impossible to reinstate the very effective  "remain in Mexico" policy . The crisis will only get exponentially worse if she does win, and institute her policies.

As far as election fraud, are you sure there isn't any? Are you sure things are working smoothly? I know there are 2 people in my household, and 3 ballots came. One for someone who hasn't lived in this home for 5 years.
I love my country that's why I will never support Trump.  Country over party. That one man will ruin this country.  We can survive Kamala, we may not survive Trump.
I'll start with I fully support your right to have your own opinion, and good for you to post your decision in a place you know you are in the minority. That being said, I always see " Trump will ruin the country". Other than the main stream media, how did you come to that conclusion? Prior to covid we were all happy with the direction of the country. Granted, there was a political party out to destroy the man, but nobody was bitching about the hundreds of billions sent to fight a war in Ukraine, or Israel. Nobody was complaining about energy independence, or low  inflation, or low unemployment, that included private sector jobs. Now you vote for Harris because you love the country, but I'm going to guess  you agreed with the majority that said the country in on the wrong course, since 68% of the people felt that way, it has to include democrats. So again, I ask, how did you come to your conclusion?
General Discussion / Re: Legal to shoot a feral chicken?
« on: October 03, 2024, 12:11:30 PM »
If I remember the peacock case, you need to eat the chicken. The lady was facing 20 years in prison for beating a peacock to death, but when her defense team said she was going to eat it, she got off, but I don't remember the details too much.
Reloading / Re: Is it worth reloading anymore?
« on: September 26, 2024, 10:41:56 AM »
Yes, and No. If you reload to have cheaper ammo, then for most calibers it isn't. Ammo is cheaper now. If you have a concern that if the left keeps losing gun control policies, they will go after your ammo. If that happens, then reloading may be your only recourse. In which having the equipment, supplies, and education to reload would be a good thing to have.
Political Discussion / Re: Oh, so now it's a joke.......
« on: September 26, 2024, 10:34:28 AM »
Why would anyone need to break into her house? Door should be open. Not a very open border, inclusive, attitude.
Political Discussion / Re: Side salad word salad
« on: September 26, 2024, 10:30:59 AM »
The destiny of the administration of kamala harris:

My opinion, of course.

"I need you to inspire me so I can inspire you.  Our whole country will be inspired to inspire each other and by doing so I will be inspired to see what it is that inspired you.

(anybody need some 1000 isle dressing....?)

And with that inspiration I will go out there in the harsh, hostile world and inspire others, so that they can see the inspiration that inspires us as a nation.

(how about some ranch dressing.....)

(And the world leaders will be inspired to laugh until they sh*t their pants, and will be inspired to pound the US into the ground in submission as the goofiness and sheer retardedness of the new US administration inspired them to rightfully do so, out of mercy for the American people.)

To the people who voted for me and inspired me, let us go forward, spread the JOY, and let laughter, joy, and inspiration lead us to our bitter end.

(maybe oil and vinegar would be appropriate....)

But it was fun, wasn't it?  (hyena cackle).

They say a picture is worth 1,000 words. If they are those words, or most coming from Vice President Harris,  the picture is still worthless.
Political Discussion / Re: 10 Worst Things About The Trump Presidency
« on: September 20, 2024, 12:48:44 AM »
I passed on the whole thing when I saw "Robert Reich" in the title.

He's a piss ant Democrat political commentator who only blasts the Right.  Nothing he says has any validity.  He's the prime example of bias and gaslighting in politics.

Listening to him is like listening to a Klan leader lecture on the influence of Jews in America.  You know before you start where the train is headed.

Sorry, this is a bit off topic, and probably more a question for Rhayder. Why is is if Hawaii is so pro democrat, can't sustain a pro liberal radio talk show? I used to try to listen to it, but they are all gone.
General Discussion / Re: Link to the new PTA process for handguns
« on: September 18, 2024, 01:25:16 AM »
Thank you all for correcting what I got wrong. I didn't make it past page 9.
He refused to say that he would veto a national abortion ban if it came to his desk. This means he would consider it and won't rule out a national abortion ban.
and after a debate, and 3 interviews hasn't answered the question are Americans better off under the Biden/ Harris administration. This means she KNOWS we were all better off under Trump. .
Political Discussion / Re: 10 Worst Things About The Trump Presidency
« on: September 18, 2024, 01:11:13 AM »

All that and Trump was still more respected around the world than Biden ever was, and Harris could ever be.

Another problem is once you spout something taken out of context, and repeatedly debunked, it destroys the credibility of everything you say. Other than it being mostly bull, it's a cool story.
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