General Discussion / Re: when is it enough?!
« on: January 05, 2025, 07:13:44 PM »I was being facetious paralleling the anti gun strategy of suing gun manufacturers. In the case of illegal fireworks in Hawaii it is proven year-after-year that laws simply do not work. Legislators on their high horses think they can legislate the people but when they realize they can't they'll resort to more extreme ways of controlling the population as we shall see in 2025.
Wakai expects numerous bills to be introduced in the upcoming legislative session to address the illegal fireworks issue, but said pursuing civil penalties versus criminal might be more effective.
“So maybe that’ll be the consequence. You do that out of your house, we’re going to seize your house,” said Wakai. “I think if there’s consequences for bad behavior, you’re going to see a diminishing of interest in fireworks.”
And there appears to be agreement that laws without enforcement are meaningless and need to change.
Although I wholeheartedly agree that laws with no enforcement don't work, our legislatures will be hellbent on creating new laws. As far as being facetious, I don't believe you need to be. If the ones that want to control us, can 't prevent us from having what we want, they have no other choice than to make sure we can't get what we want. IE: eliminate the product. My point was wifh fireworks, as well as firearms, the people with either needs to be responsible, educated on the hazards, and understand the risk, and risk mitigation. Simply put, KNOW WHAT THE F&^k YOU ARE DEALING WITH!! So many people only see the pretty colors and not realize that the power in it is the same and sometimes more than dynamite. If more people realize that they may treat is as dynamite and show it more respect. Not have it in a cardboard box, on the driveway while they are throwing sparks into the air. Wishful thinking I'm sure, but I can imagine better results than saying again" it's illegal" ,