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Topics - Kalikikopa

Pages: [1]
Political Discussion / National Divorce
« on: February 27, 2023, 03:27:35 PM »
General Discussion / How are the LGS holding up with the range closed?
« on: December 28, 2022, 09:38:25 PM »
Any owners or friends of owners know how it is for the local gun stores since the closing of the range? I'm afraid our local government might like some stores to close to lower the availability of firearms and supplies.
General Discussion / Prefered Indoor range
« on: October 29, 2022, 08:01:25 PM »
Since we are kinda stuck with this for awhile....... Just wanted some opinions on which indoor range people prefer and why. I have only been to 808. They seem good but the price of the ammo seems a bit high ($13 for 25 rounds 22lr kinda hurts)
Off Topic / Shipping a car with back registration owed to the Big Island
« on: February 16, 2022, 03:37:20 PM »
Pretty much as the title says. I'm looking at a car with 7 years of back taxes owed. If I ship it to the big island, would I have to pay the back registration at the Honolulu rate, or the big island rate? The difference would be a few thousand dollars. Curious if anyone on here knows.
Reloading / Dry media in a rotary tumbler
« on: February 03, 2022, 03:14:46 PM »
Just curious, has anyone tried using like walnut or corn cob in a rotary tumbler? I use a rotary tumbler, dawn and lemishine. I love the results  but I'm trying to find a good way to coat the cases with wax. I think I'm going to try some walnut shells and nu finish in my tumbler. Just wondering if anyone else has tried
General Discussion / Height of the pistol bench
« on: December 21, 2021, 02:48:54 PM »
Does anyone know the height of the bench in the pistol side of Koko head? I'm making a stand for a brass catcher and have to cut down the pipe so I have the correct adjustment range.
Reloading / Keep brass from tarnishing
« on: December 19, 2021, 09:14:17 PM »
Any secrets to keeping the brass from tarnishing after cleaning? There are times when i go through and clean and deprime all my brass, then pick up factory loads cheap, so i may go a couple months without reloading, or i reload and don't get to firing them for months, and when i do, they just aren't the  pretty shiny brass that i cleaned. I do a wet wash with lemishine, dawn and tide. Then i'll do another spin in a car wash and wax,. That has helped but doesn't do the trick as far as keeping brass shiny.
General Discussion / Good height for a rifle compartment in a safe
« on: December 04, 2021, 05:07:42 PM »
Hi, I've decided to convert an old Victor safe into a gun safe. Since I have to add carpeting and shelves I thought I'd ask for everyone's opinion. Hypothetically it needs to hold a few AR sized rifles, so a 36 inch compartment would be sufficient, but other rifles, maybe shotgun and a bolt action may find it's way in there. What is the average height for the rifle area of a typical gun safe?
General Discussion / Oxford High school shooting.
« on: December 01, 2021, 06:31:36 AM »
I'm sure we are about to hear allot about this shooting. I'm sure the shooter's name will be repeated a million times. During these conversations it would be nice if the name Tate Meyer(not sure of spelling) is repeated. He was the student who gave his life trying to stop the shooter.  I am unclear of the details, but as they come out we should honor the student trying to help instead of our media lifting up the shooter. Thank you for the soapbox.
Reloading / Lee progressive press
« on: November 10, 2021, 09:54:39 AM »
Does anyone have opinions about the Lee Progressive press. I see it on Amazon for about $340 shipped, with dies for 223. Any experience with this? I'm considering getting this to use along side a Hornady progressive.

Also since many newbies are asking. What about learning in a progressive press?
I started with a progressive, but set up and practiced 1 station at a time until I had a good understanding of the press and the operation first.  I welcome everybody else's thoughts
Reloading / Seating depth result on pressure
« on: March 05, 2021, 09:24:34 AM »
Hi. I am new to reloading. Starting with 9mm. I picked up RMR brass plated round nose heads, and some CFE pistol powder. I followed the hodgson LRN data since I can't find RMR, min load is 4.9, max is 5.6, I settled on 5.2 since any inconsistency in powder measuring would still fall within that range.
I tried 20 rounds in a G17 with a Patmos arms upper (might be stock glock spring). Loads worked well as far as during and recoil. Loaded 200 more, checking powder consistency every 20 or so. Theirs 50 with the stick glock upper and it was a failure. Loads felt weak, and couldn't recoil. Other than the upper the only thing I changed was seating depth by about 0.010 inch. Could that difference in seating depth be that drastic? Has anyone tried to calculate figuring out the distance from the tail if the bullet to the end of the shell vs COL?
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