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Messages - QUIETShooter

Pages: [1] 2 3 ... 337
Legal and Activism / Re: Stand your ground law
« on: Today at 08:09:25 PM »
I feel for that father that lost his son on agricultural land.

So, is this bill only pertaining to agricultural land?

Stand your ground is common sense.  It should be everywhere.  And anywhere.

And we should all be able to freely choose whatever "tools" appropriate to make that possible.
I've seen custodians sweep leaves on the public sidewalk or grass areas of schools. So it's possible that they were passing by and he saw inside, but it would have to be a very quick glance. 

What's more concerning is if this was a CCW holder and they were trying to lock up their firearm as they're going to a sensitive place.  There's a guy who locked his gun in a safe in his car so he could go into the post office. A cop saw and arrested him because the parking lot is owned by the post office. Which makes that parking lot a federal gun free zone.  So a guy was trying to do the right thing and instead of the cop giving him a break, he was arrested and loses his 2a right forever.

So, if this was a CCW holder and say it was a nail gun or other like object, I'll bet HPD will hassle him if he has to submit any kind of renewal paperwork, permit to acquire, or registration, etc...

Yeah, the parking lot scenario makes one think if the laws were designed that way.

Ditto for the CCW permitting process.

Meanwhile over at the Judicial bldgs the revolving door is spinning like crazy..........
The custodian said he thought he saw a gun while the guys were in the car.

Either they were waving the thing around or the custodian is Superman in disguise (x-ray vision).

So if he isn't superman, then why do you suppose those guys were waving the thing around, or at least holding it up so one can see it through the windows?

Hmmmmm........velly intowesting.
Political Discussion / Re: DOGE Thread
« on: Today at 09:10:12 AM »
woke is a joke.

along with all that support it.

comedy club is now closed.

all you clowns, go get a job.

“If there are criminals who are illegal immigrants, we want them out of here,” said Green.

“I think that people should not be threatened. There’s a lot of Filipinos for instance and a lot of Hispanics who work in agriculture, who are just good families and who are doing good work that no one else is doing,” he added.


And I'd bet they vote, whether they can or not.  The good governor forgot to mention.  I wonder why.
To governor green who commented on "If there are criminals who are here illegally we want them out of here".

Entering the country illegally is not criminal?
Off Topic / Re: TODAY IS.....
« on: February 10, 2025, 06:43:02 AM »

it's also National Poop Day


That building on beretania st. must be having a pot luck today.

Public invited.  Especially the ones who voted them in.

Off Topic / Re: R.I.P. "Gunny" R. Lee Ermey
« on: February 09, 2025, 01:01:01 PM »
Ya' jack wagon!!


 :rofl: :rofl:

Yep.  RIP Gunny.  You will always be missed.
Off Topic / Re: R.I.P. "Gunny" R. Lee Ermey
« on: February 09, 2025, 11:17:09 AM »
One of my all time fav movie clips
Edit...apparently I picked up a fake news article that said he died a few days ago.

Yes, as Flapp mentioned, it was a while ago.  And it was so sudden and like a true Marine, Gunny didn't cry or be all dramatic as he was experiencing health problems.

He just got up everyday and lived life to the fullest.  The best he can.  Like a true Marine.

Although I am not nor was a Marine, I live my life by the inspiration of men like him.

edited to add: 

Yeah, the internet is full of BS content.  Many times those BS content catch me off guard too.

Political Discussion / Re: USAID and our taxes
« on: February 09, 2025, 10:53:46 AM »
So easy to play with money that's not yours.

Maybe now those "81 million voters" will wake up.

Wait.  Most of them are dead........ :wave:
General Discussion / Re: be careful with your construction tools
« on: February 08, 2025, 02:18:12 PM »
"Excuse me, but can you reach up and grab that item for me please?"

"I can't, ma'am, you see, I'm carrying a concealed firearm....."


"Pardon me sir, but there seems to be something under the side of your shirt.  Are you concealed carrying a firearm?"

"No, that's my colostomy bag you fackah....."

Off Topic / Re: R.I.P. "Gunny" R. Lee Ermey
« on: February 08, 2025, 08:47:19 AM »
His untimely death was so sudden.  Out of nowhere.  He will be missed.  RIP, Gunny.

A typical Marine.  Never makes waves.  Never the drama queen.  It's never "all about me".

But their impact is a Tsunami.
Political Discussion / Re: Super Bowl National Anthem
« on: February 08, 2025, 08:41:53 AM »
NFL = money.  Not sportsmanship.

Greed to be more accurate.  'Mo money.

Chiefs means 'mo money.  Swift.  Kelce.  Mahomes.  Social Media.  Swifties with mommy and daddy's fortune to spend.

Who da f*ck is the Eagles anyway? ;) :rofl: :wave:
Political Discussion / Re: HNN finds criminals "fascinating"
« on: February 07, 2025, 03:26:23 PM »
I consider "interesting" and "curious" neutral words.
Political Discussion / Re: N Shore farmer no criminal history?
« on: February 07, 2025, 09:10:36 AM »
I bet he regrets taking the shortcut now.

I'm all for immigration.  do it legally.
Political Discussion / Re: Subway surfing is killing kids...
« on: February 07, 2025, 06:43:27 AM »
Political Discussion / Re: HNN finds criminals "fascinating"
« on: February 06, 2025, 01:12:44 PM »
Could not resist a response? You asked a question and I answered it. That is usually how discussions work.

You seem to be unable to separate yourself from an incident and look at it as an outside observer.

BTW I never said I have a fascination with the crime, I only pointed out that the use of the word fascinating by the author doesn't indicate a position on the crime because it is a neutral term.

I don't think it is a neutral term.  But you said you consider it a neutral term.  Can you show me where it could be universally considered a neutral term?  I'm not fascinated.  But I am curious.
Political Discussion / Re: sound familiar?
« on: February 06, 2025, 09:48:45 AM »
Cooperation for "the good of the country"?

WTF is that, they say.

Cooperation for the good of the "party"?

Yes, they say.

One administration undoes the other administration.  On and on and on.

One step forward, one step back.

We have found the enemy.  And it is us.
When you ban things, the problem does not go away.

Think fireworks.  When they banned firecrackers and ground sparklers and such, the aerials became a problem.

Let's all just live and let live.

And kill each other when appropriate.
Political Discussion / Re: HNN finds criminals "fascinating"
« on: February 05, 2025, 08:12:59 PM »
I wouldn't read into fascinating as a positive thing personally. To me the word is neutral. I could find the story of Hitler fascinating and that wouldn't in any way be condoning what he did or praising him. Evil can be fascinating to study.

I would.  Just going by its definition.  Look it up.
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