ATF Director Steve Dettelbach giggles as he receives an 80% AR-15 lower receiver as a retirement gift—potentially violating several federal & D.C. laws.
My son lives Tomah and is an E8 at Fort McCoy. I sent him my Hawken, and he wanted to hunt muzzleloader in December. I look at it to spend time with him. I never got shot off. It was a very early rut this year. Folks around here said it was an uneventful rifle season. We hunted hard the last couple of days. contains content generated by its users. As such, claims no responsibility for content posted by its users. Users are urged not to post copyrighted materials without respect to Fair Use. does respect copyrights, their holders, and the DMCA. If you are a legal copyright holder or a designated agent for such and you believe a post on this website falls outside the boundaries of "Fair Use" and legitimately infringes on yours or your clients copyright we may be contacted concerning copyright matters at: