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Messages - DonRow

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General Discussion / Re: Gun Pic or Gun Related Pix Thread
« on: June 23, 2014, 11:05:52 PM »
The lower build is complete.

General Discussion / Re: Kauai liberal morons at it again...
« on: June 04, 2014, 12:33:47 PM »

I see that you did write something up, so please take my following comments with that acknowledgement in mind.

"We" need to remain active and vigil against these antigun folks, whether it be because of their ignorance, fear, or political agenda. Saying "it won't do any good" or expecting someone else to "do it" has, and will continue to work toward our detriment. It's the same thing with regards to participation in the legislative process. "We" must realize that we are sometimes our own worse enemy, either through the divisiveness we tend to foist upon ourselves, or our inactivity. I know there are tons of pro-gun folks on Kauai. Why aren't they flooding the paper with editorials to counter the bogus crap the few uninformed weenies are putting out?

I don't know why more people don't come out and speak up. When I drive around the westside of Kauai, where there's a lot of hunters, I see a lot of them with Schatz signs in there yards. Why, maybe there extremely missed informed about stuff. I know they watch TV and have seen his Ads.
General Discussion / Re: Gun Pic or Gun Related Pix Thread
« on: June 03, 2014, 02:25:19 PM »
So I picked up a new lower couple weeks ago. I had an idea from someone to do the color fill with Crayon. Here's the finished product.
General Discussion / Re: Kauai liberal morons at it again...
« on: June 03, 2014, 02:21:42 PM »

You should watch the South Park episode Butters goes native - hits the nail on the head.  They satirized the loss of the super ferry and that whole liberal "what's good for me is good for you" transplant attitude pretty accurately.  :rofl:

that was frikin funny and true as hell.
General Discussion / Re: Kauai liberal morons at it again...
« on: June 03, 2014, 12:43:37 PM »

Someone on Kauai should pen a letter setting "them" straight....

Theirs no sense in that. It's there agenda and no one else's. The shitty part is these dumb asses are the ones that are listened to. They kill anything that would make life easier on Kauai.
Off Topic / Bye bye Holder?
« on: June 20, 2012, 10:23:53 AM »
"Executive privilege" my ass!!!!
Off Topic / Bye bye Holder?
« on: June 20, 2012, 06:40:01 AM »
So Obama is not going to release the papers, and Holder is playing the "blame Bush" ticket.. Gee like we didn't see that one coming. Now I never agreed with everything Bush did but I never heard him blame Clinton for things.
I really like Issa... :popcorn:
Off Topic / Bye bye Holder?
« on: June 17, 2012, 12:28:06 PM »
Let's see what happens next week when they vote.
"F" the damn UN America needs to stop funding these idiots. And kick them out of the US. All there good for is rapping and murdering people. "Congo, sierra leon" they didn't do a damn thing in Darfur even when presented with hard evidence of genocide. All they are is a huge, empty pit that sucks our tax money. I say turn the UN building in NY into homeless shelter.
Off Topic / Bye bye Holder?
« on: June 17, 2012, 12:18:13 PM »
You Gota like Issa. Now Holder wants to make a deal and Issa pretty much said "eat shit bitch" "you had your chance" popcorn anyone? :popcorn:
Well they can go "F" themselves!!
Off Topic / Pacquiao wuz robbed!
« on: June 11, 2012, 01:32:54 PM »
Perfect setup for Maywether
                              :rofl: FLOYD "THE AVOID" MAYWEATHER :rofl:
I believe your right my friend.
General Discussion / one reason I dont watch Hawaii 5-0
« on: June 11, 2012, 01:29:15 PM »
As bullshit brah!! If I was the guy that was the head of TGGF I would have told them to fuck off!! But that's just me I have a really short temper for people that disrespect vets. What would they do, send one of the actors to take them out. At the age of 88 to 98 I still think they could have kicked there asses.
General Discussion / Act of Valor
« on: June 08, 2012, 02:12:29 PM »
General Discussion / Act of Valor
« on: June 07, 2012, 09:33:34 AM »
I will be buying the Blu Ray.  I missed it while it was out in the theaters.  I just hope my neighbor isn't home when I watch it though.
Hell yeah!!! Turn that shit up!!!! BWAHAHAHAHA
General Discussion / Complete BAN!!!!!!!!
« on: June 06, 2012, 03:16:52 PM »
Don't listen to them. Come, uncle help you out you can hide um in my safe. No worries, uncle take care.. :)
General Discussion / Act of Valor
« on: June 06, 2012, 10:14:49 AM »
I liked it, but my co-worker said the acting was horrible.  As mentioned above they had real SEALs in the movie ( don't know if they all were) and I thought they did a good job.
That's because there so used to emotional movies. When SEALs is mission first, emotion later. Emotion compromises the mission but we all know that.

I'm getting it today. I thought it was a great movie, aside of the fact that every shot was a head shot. Even SEAL snipers will tell you that every shot is done at center mass, not head. The potential of a miss is to great. (American Sniper: former SEAL sniper Chris Kyle)
But I don't care it was the best "documentary movie" of the year.
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